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Friday, February 26, 2010


I love food! Everyone does, I believe. I will eat anything that is edible, from liver to calamari (squid) to baking powder tasting pancakes (my mistake >,<). I actually once was fired from a job because I was cooking so much last year and nearly burned down the house at the same time. I was trying to bake pies. One was a pecan pie and the other was a raspberry, strawberry, and blueberry pie (something I was experimenting with). They turned out great, not burnt at all. The reason I almost burned down the house was because I was trying to put a crust on the berry pie and forgot to trim the edges. The crust melted and landed on the hot bottom, where it started to smoke REALLY bad. I had to air the entire house out, but thankfully, the smoke detector did not go off. But I did get fired, though it is not that bad, trust me. Always remember to trim the crust before you bake a pie. Do not make that mistake like I did. ^_^

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