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Thursday, March 10, 2011

Gold Panning

Ever seen things on T.V. where people pan for gold and actually find some? I always thought it was always in California where the gold was. But it turns out, gold can be anywhere! I was looking up gold panning on YouTube once and found that there were several places where gold could be found. I live in Georgia, so I checked and found out there were places close by, like Dalonega, Villa Rica (which is called literally the City of Gold), and Buchanan. I pan, but alot of people use different methods, like dredging or sluicing, but it all goes back to the pan. I have seen people get nuggets from these places. Nuggets! For the basics, you need a gold pan, a sieve, a handheld and/or large shovel, a snuff bottle, tweezers, a bottle or glass jar to put the gold in, gloves, and, if you like, a metal detector, but not a magnet. Magnets only pick up cobalt, iron, and nickel. I use chest weighters to get to spots, but you can use waterproof boots if you wish. Always look for black sand, which may line the edges of a bank, quartz, which is where most gold can be found, and , for me, gray clay. You will have to mush all the clay and shake it through the sieve before panning it out. It is worth it, trust me. And you might be able to use some of the quartz rocks for jewelry, though you may want to put it through a rock tumbler first to clean and smooth out any sharp edges. Quartz is natural glass and might cut if it has any sharp edges. A friend and I have done this before (hence the gloves). Rock tumblers can be found anywhere from Wal-Mart to Hobby Lobby. Be on the lookout for any snakes if you go out on hot days. You will also see a TON of wildlife. I have seen snakes, turtles (box and snapping), crawfish (crawdads), fish, kingfishers, salamanders, once a deer leaped into the creek right infront of me! It was an amazing sight. Be careful of any insects you may find underwater, they may bite (my friend found that out too). Be sure to wear a hat, for you can get a sunburn or ticks. As long as you are careful, there is nothing to worry about. ^_^ If you have any questions on comments, just write them below and I will check them out soon.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Writers and Depression.

Is depression really the curse of genius? Research shows that writers and other creatives do suffer from depression at a higher rate than the rest of the population. And they, along with others born with creative gifts have a much higher rate of suicide.
Writing is not the glamorous profession it may appear to be. Rejection, deadlines, self-doubt and many hours spent in isolation can eventually push you over the edge. Plus lack of exercise and being stuck indoors staring at a computer screen all day doesn’t help either. Success as a writer also means you have to rely on the opinions of other people such as editors, publishers and agents, which makes things even worse.
I’m not claiming to be a genius but I am a creative person and a depressive. My depression affects my creativity. Sometimes it is good for it, sometimes it’s bad. Normally, when everything gets dark and gloomy for me I tend to go into myself and I begin to question everything. I can’t deny that I’ve always seen the world differently, that I tend to see all the negatives about it rather than the positives. Sometimes I am aware that I may be too pessimistic and when I’m accused of this I always say that I’m only being realistic. I know that when I’m in this state of mind people don’t want to be around me, but that’s fine because I don’t want to be around people. Pessimistic thoughts can ruin my writing though. Especially if I am doubting my talent as a writer, which is often.
During this time dark thoughts enter my head and I ask myself just what is the point of writing as I won’t get published. Anyway, who would want to publish such rubbish? Me a writer? Ha! I’m just a talentless depressed person living in a world of make believe because I can’t face the real world. I might as well end it right now. And the thoughts torment me all day, adding to the feeling of hopelessness, the future looking bleak.
But I don’t give up. I don’t kill myself, even if the thought does cross my mind. This is because I know from experience that this dark period won’t last. In a few days my writing will start getting good again. The dark cloud will lift and I will think differently. I will start to believe in myself again. Of course I can write. Of course I can get published. If others can get book deals so can I. After all, there are worse writers in the world than me and they’re published and successful.
And when I do eventually emerge from the pit of depression, to my surprise, I am struck by a short burst of creative energy that lasts from around three days to a whole week. Sometimes I’ll have two or three projects on the go because the ideas just keep flooding in and I can’t stop them. This is a great feeling and I can’t wait to get out of bed and put in those extra hours of writing. It’s not that my depression has worn off, it just gets a little more manageable. I still feel sadness, but it’s not as intense.
Sometimes though I don’t wait for this moment to arrive. Instead, I try to write myself through a depressive episode, even though it’s the last thing I feel like doing. If I’m angry it’s even better as I can use this anger in my fiction.
It is said that writers are depressed because they work for long periods alone. But this isn’t my problem because I actually enjoy my own company. I accept that this is part of a writer’s life and if I spent all my time socializing no writing would ever get done. It’s nice to have other writer friends though, so I would recommend joining a writers’ group or participating in one of the many writers’ forums on the Internet.
I do sometimes wonder if being a writer is a curse, but then I think how would I be if I didn’t write? It’s such a large part of me. It’s what makes me who I am as an individual. I’m sure other writers can understand what I mean. I don’t think you choose to write. It chooses you. And I do question what type of writer I’d be without my depression. Who knows? Maybe I wouldn’t be a writer. That’s something I can’t answer I’m afraid.
If you are depressed please don’t suffer in silence. See your doctor for professional medical advice.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Sabotage - Chapter Eleven

                                             Chapter Eleven

   A different, far more elegant room rises and solidifies. 'The throne room!' Mondre` realizes. Everdron stands on the platform on which the throne sits, seeming impatient. His aura glows with outrage when he sees the princes, Ryuu, and two other people appear with the nightshades. "What is this?" he bellows, walking down the steps. He stops infront of the princes. "You are filthy. Where have you been?" he snaps. Mondre` and Skreme wonder how to explain, but they can't think of an excuse. The two bandits squirm in the nightshades' grips. “You are going to regret this!” one shouts. Everdron looks their way and narrows his eyes. They go limp, staring blankly at the walls. Ryuu keeps still, trying not to draw his attention. Everdron faces the nightshades then nods. They gently place the princes down, who get to their feet. A nightshade hands Mondre`'s tunic to him. He takes it and puts it on. "Who are these ingrates?" Everdron growls, nodding once at the limp humans. Before the boys can answer, he turns to Ryuu. "And who is this?" "My name is Ryuu." the boy replies with a shaky, but firm voice. Everdron examines him. He notices the earring. Mondre` and Skreme watch as he stands before the thief. "What is a half breed like you doing around the Daemon High Prince of Veud and the Daemon Prince of Klohmoi? Did you kidnap them? Though I doubt that could be possible.” he says. “Are these humans your comrades?" Mondre` is amazed by what he just heard. Ryuu has the same look on his face. "Ryuu did not kidnap us. We left on our own. They followed us." Mondre` mumbles. "Silence." Everdron orders. "Half breed?" Skreme asks. "High Prince?" Ryuu asks, appalled. "You're princes?" "You are a half demon?" Skreme asks, eyes narrowed. "My mother was human. She died keeping me safe from a Demon raid. Ordered by High King Gothron!" Ryuu yells, struggling against the nightshade's grip. "Put me down!" The nightshade looks to Everdron. He gives a sharp nod. It places the boy down. He jerks away and glares at the princes. "I vowed never to associate with him or any Daemons!" he yells. Tears run down his angry face. "Oh, who cares? This is why we keep your kind as servants. Too emotional to do anything else." Skreme sneers, crossing his arms. Ryuu runs at him, fists clenched. A nightshade stops him by the neck of his shirt. Mondre` punches Skreme in the arm instead. "Ow." he hisses. Mondre` glares then faces Everdron. "He saved us from a squad who patrolled Nardo’s street. They were about to execute us.” Everdron‘s eyes turn to him. "He also helped Skreme when he cut himself on a Catha plant." "Cratje." Ryuu mutters. "Cratje. And from the bandits." Mondre` finishes. Everdron says nothing. "We owe him something." Mondre` says. "I owe it nothing." Skreme says. "We would not be alive if it was not for him." Mondre` says. "He placed us in the situations!" Skreme says, raising his voice. "Quiet!" Everdron orders in his booming voice. The princes become silent, but give each other foul looks. Everdron faces Ryuu. "I am going to release you, half breed. But know this. Do not think I am going to give you anything. Your life is what you should treasure at this moment." he says. "Don't worry. I'm not going to ask for anything from Daemons." Ryuu huffs. He walks past the nightshades to the doors. Everdron watches him leave then turns to the nightshades. They had placed the bandits down on the floor infront of them. "Thank you all, magnificent Nightshades. I will have your payments sent to you." he says, bowing. The nightshades disappear into thin air. Mondre` whirls on Everdron. "Why didn't you reward him?" he asks. Everdron ignores him as he walks by. "As for you two, you will be given baths then you will go straight to bed." he orders, snapping his fingers. Soldiers march in. Some escort the princes out. Mondre` looks back to see Everdron point to the bandits before the door closes. "Take these ingrates to the dungeons." Everdron orders. The soldiers grab the unconscious thieves then travel. Everdron turns to a wall. "Lieutenant." Ivinin steps out. "Yes sir?" he says. "Put more soldiers to the watch." "Yes sir." Ivinin says. He leaves to get more units. Everdron crosses his arms. 'This is worse than I thought. I must inform the High King.' he thinks. He walks out of the throne room when Bersion hurries up. He looks rushed. "Advisor Everdron. Did you hear about the princes?" he asks. "What of Their Majesties?" Everdron asks. "They are missing." Bersion says. "They have been returned and are fine." Everdron says, walking past him. Bersion is puzzled and follows. "What do you mean?" he asks. "I sent the Nightshades to find them. I need to speak to the High King." Everdron says. "His High Majesty is in the Royal study. He does not know yet." Bersion says. "Good." Everdron says. Gothron is sitting behind the desk, reading a thick novel when Everdron walks in. "Your High Majesty." he says. Gothron looks up. "Yes?" he says. Everdron remains silent, putting his thoughts together. "The escort who had been following the princes recently informed me that your son and nephew escaped their sight." Bersion says. Gothron stands quickly, tossing the book onto the desk. "I sent the Nightshades. They found them safe. But they were in the company of a half breed and rogue humans." Everdron says before Bersion says anything else. "What did you do with them?" Gothron asks. "The humans are in the dungeons. I released the half breed. Apparently, it saved the princes from a squad who was going to execute them." Everdron says. Bersion does not seem pleased. Gothron is appalled by the very mention. "Where is Mondre` and Skreme?" he asks. "They are being cleaned in the baths as we speak, Your High Majesty." Everdron replies. "And have you increased the escort?" "Yes, Your High Majesty. It seems as if Their Young Majesties have been doing this for some time." Everdron says. Gothron sighs, gazing at the floor. "What is going on here?" he mumbles, mostly to himself. "I am not sure, Your Highness. But I shall see to it that it stops." Everdron vows. “You may go.” Gothron says. “Yes, High Lord.” both Advisors say. They walk out. Gothron sits back down and rests his head on his hand. He picks up the book he had been reading, which was laying open face down, bending the pages. He closes it and puts it away. He walks out of the study to the stairs, climbing several flights then turns and walks down the corridor. He stops at a door. It was black, with gold wiring down the length of it with thin gold plating as leaves. He opens it. In the bed in the middle of the room, a figure breathes softly, wrapped in a soft gray gown and deep gray covers. Her eyes are closed. Her blonde hair is spread out over the pillow her head lays on. Her right arm is resting on the pillow by her head. Her other arm lays over her stomach. He smiles then it changes to a frown at the thought of waking her. He walks over and sits by her side. He touches her shoulder and rubs his thumb over it. Her dazzling green eyes open at his touch. She smiles at the sight of him. “Hello.” she says. “Hello.” he says. She notices his concerned expression and sits up. "What is wrong?" she asks. He moves his hand from her shoulder to her knee. “Mondre` and Skreme escaped the escort and came to be found outside, but were returned by Nightshades.” he says. “How?” she gasps. “Are they all right?” “They are fine. They are in the baths. They were brought back with human rogues and a half breed, who supposedly saved them.” he says. She looks down at the bed, a frown edging it's way across her lips. “Where is it now?” she asks, looking back at her husband. “It is gone. Everdron released it.” he says. Her frown deepens, darkening her face. “He should have made it rot in the dungeons.” she mumbles. He takes her hands into his. “I only wanted to inform you, my love. We do not need to dwell on it now.” he says. She calms, giving him a smile. "All right." she says. He gets up and walks over onto the other side. He slides off his boots then changes his clothes. He lays beside his wife and holds her close. She wraps her arms around him and falls back to sleep. Mondre` and Skreme lay in their beds. Skreme has his eyes closed. Mondre` stares up at the ceiling. "We need to apologize to Ryuu." he mumbles. "No. He's a half breed. They can't be trusted." Skreme mutters then plants his face into the pillow. "He didn't even try to kill us." "He was about to slice my arm off." "He was only trying to help. We need to tell him sorry." "No, we don't." Skreme says, still in the pillow. “Half breeds are part human. They can't be trusted, just as humans can't be trusted.” “Fine. Never mind then.” Mondre` says nothing more, staring up at the canopy that drapes over his bed. Skreme is soon sprawled over his bed, fast asleep. Mondre` looks over to him then listens. The breathing can still faintly be heard in the walls. The time keeper pendulum sways, ticking out a steady sound. Mondre` forces himself to stay awake by pinching himself on the arm. The breathing finally stops. He quickly climbs out of bed, putting two pillows in his place. He grabs a handkerchief from a dresser draw then stands by his bed, concentrating hard. He travels to a dark vast room. Glowing gold, silver, and white coins sit within vast treasure chests. He crouches and collects enough coins for the kerchief to hold. He ties it up then tries to remember the inside of the tower. He waits, seeing everything shift around him. He feels a breeze blow by when the dark tower room appears. The fallen vials still drip from the attack earlier. He walks to the trapdoor. It was still locked. He unlocks it by sliding the latch back. It is shoved open. He falls back. Ryuu almost falls over himself. "How did you get in?" he snaps, quickly stepping inside. Mondre` gets to his feet. "I traveled here." he replies. "Get out!" Ryuu orders, closing the door behind him. He bolts the lock fast. Yelling and banging occurs below. "I thought the Nightshades killed it." Mondre` says. "Why are you still here?" Ryuu asks angrily, walking up to him. "I wanted to apologize for what happened." he says, standing his ground. Ryuu passes him and starts picking up the bottles. "You have. Leave." he says. Mondre` sighs. He tosses the bundle of money down beside the boy. Ryuu can hear it holds a great deal of money. "What's this for?" he asks. "This is what you should've been awarded with." Mondre` says. He disappears without another word. Ryuu gazes at the spot he had been standing then opens the kerchief. Glistening gold coins shine up at him. 'This....It's so much!' he thinks. Mondre` lays down as the particles collect around him. The particles tickle his nose as they move back out. He holds it until the room appears then sneezes. His covers rise from the wind it creates then float down on top of him. Skreme jumps awake. “What happened?” he asks. “Nothing. Go back to sleep.” Mondre` mumbles, moving his pillows. Skreme yawns then lays down. That morning, after prayers and before the High King or the High Queen wake up, Everdron brings the squad of soldiers from Nardo's street into the throne room. Mondre` and Skreme watch from behind the throne. The squad removes their helmets. One man has maroon eyes. "High Advisor Everdron." he greets, bowing. The others do the same. "What is it that you wish to speak to us about?" Mondre` recognizes the man's voice. "That's them." Skreme says to Mondre`. Mondre` keeps his eyes on what is going on. "I hear you let two boys escape you several days ago." Everdron says. The soldiers bow their heads in shame. "Yes sir. We are deeply sorry." the leader says. "It is a blessing they did escape." Everdron says. The soldiers look up. "Excuse me, sir?" the leader asks, confused. "It is a blessing they did escape before anything happened to them." Everdron says. He gestures to the throne. The princes step out and stand to one side. The soldiers' eyes widen. "Are these the boys?" Everdron asks. The leader can hardly breath as he gazes at the two. "Um..We...I mean..." "For if the Prince of Klohmoi and the High Prince had not escaped, they would have been executed? Is this correct?" Everdron says, lowering his voice. The soldiers don't say anything. They are completely terrified. Skreme smiles at their fearful expressions. Mondre` isn't enjoying it. Another squad walks up and grabs the first. "Take them to the dungeons." Everdron orders. They bow and drag the men out. "No!" "Please, High Advisor!" "We did not know!" the first squad cries. The doors close behind them. "You may return to the study, Your Majesties." Everdron says dismissively. The princes leave the room. "That has been taken care of. Now I just need to somehow mention how dirty the sewers are without making him too angry." Skreme mutters. At the guild, there is a knock on Ryuu's bedroom door. "Ryuu? Are you up yet?" Ashla calls softly. "I'm awake." he says, striding over to a crate. He hears her open the door. "What are you doing?" she asks. He wipes a tear off his face. "I need to leave." he says. She closes the door behind her. "Why?" she asks, walking up to him. He hesitates then shakes his head. "I don't want to talk about it." he says, carrying more clothes to his pack. She grabs his arm. "What is wrong?" she says with a serious tone. He looks away. She steps into his line of sight. "Did something happen last night?" she asks. He frowns, but gives a small nod. "Tell me what happened." she says. He keeps quiet, trying to avoid her eyes. She stares hard at him. "Ryuu." she says. He grimaces. "I....showed Skreme and Mondre`......the tower." he mumbles. She gasps. "You know you should not go there! What if someone caught you?" she hisses. "Someone did." he says, stepping past her. "Oh no. Who?" she asks. "Nightshades." he replies. He stuffs his clothes into the satchel. She is pale with fear. "Nightshades?" she asks shakily. "They were there to retrieve Prince Ream and High Prince Andre`. Or whatever their real names are." he says, punching the clothes in. "What do you mean?" she asks. He stops, holding back more tears. "I brought the High Prince to the Fireskins." he says. "And High Advisor Everdron knows I'm half human." She places a comforting hand on his shoulder. "You do not need to leave because of that. He does not know where we are, does he?" she says. He slowly shakes his head. "But they do." he says bitterly. She frowns then gives him a confident smile. "I do not believe they will tell. I have a feeling they are trustworthy." He snorts. "Ream isn't. But maybe Andre` is." he mutters. "Why do you say that?" she asks. He takes out a bulging ivory silk kerchief. He unties it to reveal glowing gold coins. Her jaw drops in awe and amazement. "Andre` gave me this last night as a reward for saving them." he says. There is a knock on the door. He ties the kerchief up and puts it in the satchel. "Who is it?" she asks. "Jaran." a familiar voice says. "Come in." she says. Jaran steps inside. He sees the siblings standing by the bed then sees the satchel. "What's going on?" he asks. "Nightshades attacked Ryuu and took Andre` and Ream back to the palace." she says. Ryuu feels relieved she said nothing else. Jaran looks nervous, but concerned. "Are you all right?" he asks. "I'm fine. Only a little scared now." Ryuu replies. "I would be too. As long as you weren't hurt." Jaran says. He turns back to the door then stops, turning back. "Do you know what happened to them?" he asks. Ryuu's face turns red with anger. "I think they're fine." he says stiffly. "You're too slow. Parry more." Skreme says to Mondre` as they fence in the huge courtyard. Soldiers stand all around. Mondre` parries his thrusting wooden blade then lunges. He wasn't listening. He was still angry at Skreme for acting the way he had with Ryuu. The plan had just been to tell Ryuu they would never be able to talk to him or visit the Fireskins again. But everything had gone wrong. After last night, Bersion had received a report about the money in the treasury. It was several suns short. He had puzzled over it, but he suspected the intruders, not Mondre`. Everdron stands on the courtyard steps, watching them. Marinae sits under a gazebo, fiddling with a bouquet of flowers. No one told her about what happened. Marques Bradin and Marquises Esther were informed of the intrusion. They decided to stay and help investigate. Skreme blocks Mondre` then slashes at him. Mondre` backs away then thrusts again. Skreme swings his blade on his and snatches it out of his hand. It flies into the air then falls into Skreme's left hand. He points both swords at Mondre`. Several soldiers clap. "Perfect, Prince Skreme." Everdron says, clapping. Mondre` doesn't seem bothered by losing another match. He was letting his cousin win too easily. Skreme knew it. "What is wrong with you?" he asks, tossing Mondre`‘s blade back to him. Mondre` catches it. "There is nothing wrong." he mutters. "Again." Everdron says. Both boys get into their fencing positions. In the dining hall, Gothron, Lithera, Yorroe, Katalin, Marques Bradin, and Marquises Esther are having luncheon together. High Advisor Bersion stands by Gothron’s right. A ring of soldiers stand along the walls. “Could there be a tunnel under the wall?” Katalin asks, cleaning her mouth with a napkin. “Perhaps. But the guards would have seen if anyone was digging.” Gothron says. “Maybe they were unable to be seen.” Yorroe suggests. “You mean they could be strong enough to travel?” Marques Bradin asks then takes a bite of bread. “Assassins are known for their abilities to get in and out. It could be possible we have a true killer on our hands.” Lithera says. “Could the Eastern Kingdom have sent it?” Marquises Esther asks. Marques Bradin shakes his head. “The units would have detected them coming through. Now maybe one of the separate kingdoms might have.” he says. “Unless the Avantras sailed around in the Abyss.” Yorroe points out. “That would take eternity.” Katalin says. “Not if you are determined to do your job. I met a private once who was sending a message to Callinsto city. He would not even stop for a drink.” Yorroe says. “He delivered the message, but he was sick from dehydration.” “Poor soul. What happened to him?” Marquises Esther asks. “He was upgraded to squire.” Yorroe chuckles. The group laughs. Everdron steps in, holding his robes tight about him. “Advisor? Where are the children?” Lithera asks. He looks to her then searches the couples until he gets to Gothron then smiles. It is a cruel smile. “Advisor?” Gothron says, standing up. Yorroe gets up with him. Everdron opens his arms, pulling out a long silver sword with a hilt made into feathered wings. The grip is sea green. He points it at Gothron, who stands still. The weapon begins to drip a liquid. “That is not Everdron.” Yorroe says to the Royals. Everdron raises the weapon then lunges. An explosion occurs from within the palace. Everyone in the courtyard hears it and looks upward. Dust billows out one side. "What was that?" Marinae screams. "Stay here." Everdron orders. He disappears along with several units. Skreme looks to Mondre`. "Did you set anything?" he asks him. Mondre` only shakes his head. Skreme looks up the steps. "It is probably that half breed and his friends. We need to go after them." he says to him. "What is going on?" Marinae asks as she nervously walks toward them, clutching the bouquet. "Nothing, Princess. Come with me, Mondre`." Skreme says, putting down his practice sword. He runs up the courtyard steps, but stops halfway to turn back. Mondre` hadn't moved from his spot, his own sword by his side. "Come on." Skreme says. "Let Everdron handle it." Mondre` says, shoving the sword in the ground. He walks to the gazebo. Marinae stops infront of him. “Are you all right, my Lord?” she asks. “I am fine.” Mondre` mutters, going by. She looks to Skreme, a puzzled expression on her face. "Did something happen?" she asks him. He shrugs, confused as well. He walks down the steps to the gazebo, where Mondre` sits. "If Dad or Uncle Gothron figure out we know them, we're in serious trouble." he says. "I don't care." Mondre` mumbles. "Stop being such a child. Just because you can't return to the guild, doesn't mean I have to get in trouble." Skreme says, standing over him. "What guild?" Marinae asks. He realizes he just blurted it out. He waves a hand. "Stay out of this." he snaps. She puts her hands on her hips. "If you do not tell me what is going on, I am going to tell High Advisor Everdron." she threatens. A bitter expression makes it’s way across Skreme’s face. "Fine. I will after we get this oaf going. Someone will get hurt if we don't." Mondre` narrows his eyes at him. Everdron and the soldiers arrive in the throne room. He scans the area, but feels nothing strange. Another explosion makes him whirl around. 'The dining hall!' They race to the door. Everdron opens it to find a thick smoke cloud in the middle of the room. Something moves out of the corner of his eye. A figure in robes runs to the far end of the table then stops and turns. They gaze at him from under long black hair. They have something long in their hand. They jump through the broken bay windows. He is about to chase after them. A wind kicks up from within the smoke cloud. He raises a hand to block the wind from his face. The soldiers cover their eyes. The wind dies down. Everdron lowers his hand to see the six Royals, Bersion, and several guards standing in the center. "Your Majesties, are you injured?" Everdron asks, stepping up to them. Gothron swiftly faces him. Everdron feels a great pressure wrap around his body, pinning his arms to his sides. It centers around his neck. He can barely breath. "Your High.…Majesty......what....are you...doing?" he gasps. He is pushed up onto the wall. Gothron’s eyes are bright copper with wide green pupils. "How dare you attack us and kill my soldiers!?" he growls. Everdron does not understand at first. He looks to the floor. Eight dried mutilated bodies lay there. He then remembers the intruder's outfit. "Your Highness, it was.....not me." he forces out. "Then who did it?" Yorroe asks sharply. His eyes had become completely yellow, his pupils thin green slits. Katalin holds his arm. Lithera stands by Gothron while Marques Bradin and Marquises Esther stand behind them. " not.......know." Everdron says. His wind pipe was a thin passageway for air. His vision blurs. Mondre`, Skreme, and Marinae run in. "Dad, no!" Mondre` yells, grabbing his father's arm. Gothron keeps his gaze steady. "It was someone else, uncle. Not Everdron." Skreme says. He had never seen his uncle so angry. It scared him. Gothron glances at them. Everdron remains set against the wall. "It is the truth, High King. We were with the High Advisor the entire time." one soldier who had followed Everdron speaks up. Bersion steps up beside the High King. "High Lord. I doubt it could have been High Advisor Everdron. Have Tauva or Belphabas interrogate him to be sure." he suggests. Gothron's eyes return to their original colors. But his aura remains bright with anger. Everdron is released. He slides down the wall, clasping at his throat as he gulps for air. Gothron straightens his tunic, gazing down at him with no emotion on his face. "Take him to the dungeons. I will speak with him later." he orders. Four guards bow and walk up to Everdron. They help him up then travel. Gothron turns to Bersion. "Find this assailant and catch them immediately!" he orders. "Yes, Your High Majesty." Bersion says. He travels from the room with a unit. “Take these men to Tauva.” Gothron orders. Soldiers pick the bodies up and take them away. "Where were you?" Lithera asks the teenagers. "We were in the courtyard. High Advisor Everdron was with us when the first explosion happened." Mondre` says. Yorroe turns to the rest of the room. Stone bits are scattered about a dent on the floor from the explosion. The dining room table was split in two. "I am staying until this issue is resolved." Gothron says, facing his wife. “I think that would be for the best.” she says. “I would have to agree. This needs to be dealt with.” Yorroe says. "Do you understand?" Gothron says, facing his son, nephew, and the Marques‘ daughter. “Yes sir.” the three say. Gothron sees the fear in their eyes. He places a comforting hand on his son's shoulder. "It will be all right. We will fix this then you can go wherever you want in the palace. But until then, stay close." he says. "Yes sir." Mondre` says. "Go on." Yorroe says. The three teenagers and the escort walk out. "Your High Majesty." a captain says, racing in with a patroller hound. He carries robes over his arm. "What is it?" Gothron asks. "I was able to find these in the courtyard." the captain says, holding up the robes. "Have the hounds found the scent yet?" Gothron says. "Yes, Your High Majesty." the captain says. "Take the clothes to Belphabas then return to the search." Gothron says. "Yes, my High Lord." the captain salutes. He touches the hound's neck then both travel. The soldiers and Everdron appear in the middle of the dungeons. The High Advisor is hanging limp between four of them while the rest carry the dried bodies. A captain with a hound and robes appears at the dungeon entrance. "Lady Tauva!" one calls. Tauva steps out of her room. She sees them with the bodies and Everdron. "What happened?" she asks. "The Daemons were attacked by someone. The intruder killed these soldiers. High Lord Gothron believes it to be High Advisor Everdron. He attacked him." another says. "Something is wrong with his throat. He can not breath." the first soldier says. "This way." Tauva says. They follow her to a cell. She waves a hand as she pushes open the cell door. The mess inside disappears, leaving it clean. The soldiers place Everdron on a bench then walk out. The first soldier faces Tauva. "Someone will be down here to ask him questions. But I know he did not do it." he says. Tauva smiles. "I doubt he did." she says. The guards bow their heads then leave. Tauva turns to the rest of the soldiers. “Place those in my laboratory.” she says. “Yes Ma’am.” they say. They and the captain walk into the room. She turns back to the cell. She can see that Everdron is having a hard time breathing. He leans against the wall, gasping for air. She sits beside him. "Let me see." she says. He lifts his head to show her his neck. She can see that it is broken in certain places. One bone is at an angle that keeps him from breathing or speaking properly. She puts her hand on his neck. Light pink magic flows out to wrap around his throat. His bones pop back into place. He does not wince. She finishes and lowers her hand. "Are you all right?" she asks. He clears his throat. "Yes." he says gruffly. "Good. Now, if you do not mind, can you tell me what happened?" she asks kindly. Mondre` explains to Marinae with the help of Skreme what was going on privately as they stride down a hallway. Marinae is completely shocked by the news. "You met a half breed?" she asks them. "We didn't know he was a half breed. I think Jaran may be one too." Skreme says to them. "Jaran is the leader of the Furskin Guild, correct?" she asks them. "Fireskins Guild." they tell her. "And you believe this person, Debern, could be the intruder?" she asks them. "Yes. There is something about him that is strange. And when that Elite soldier was killed, I felt a strange feeling." Mondre` says to them. "So did I." Skreme tells them. "I did not feel anything today." she informs them. They stop walking. "I didn't feel anything either." Skreme says to them. "Neither did I." Mondre` says to them. "Are you all right, my Lords? Milady?" a guard asks. "Yes, we are fine." Skreme says. They continue walking, puzzling over the situation. Everdron finishes explaining what happened. Tauva does not say anything, gazing at the seat opposite them. Her face is blank. He understands that look. "What is it that you know?" he asks. She looks to him. "It is not me. I think......" She pauses. "You think what?" he asks. "I think.....I heard High Prince Mondre` mention someone's name when he and Prince Skreme came in a few days ago. The High Prince had a burn on his left shoulder." She looks straight into his eyes. "It was from an Avantran touch." she says. He feels cold inside. "Are you sure?" he asks. "I recognized it immediately." she says. He rests his elbows on his knees. "Do you remember the exact day it occurred?" he asks. "It was the day before the Marques and Marquises arrived." she says. 'That was the day I sensed that presence.' he thinks. "What was the name?" he asks. "Debern." she says. “Bloody Unistra.” he mutters. "Do you know him?" she asks. "During the war. I thought he was dead." he hisses. "What do you want me to do?" she asks. "There is nothing we can do right now. The High King needs to calm down before I explain." he says, sitting back. “You should have informed me of this.” “I apologize. I did not inform you because I could not prove it had been there. Their Majesties would have most likely denied it.” she says. "True." he says, looking away, so she decides to change the subject. "Would you like a cuppa tea?" she asks. "Yes, please." he says. She gets up and walks to the cell door. "I am going to have to close the door for a moment." she says. He nods. She closes the door and locks it then goes off to fix him a drink.
Copyright 2008

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Sabotage - Chapter Ten

                                       Chapter Ten

  Everdron stands at the steps of the throne. He was worried. The princes could not be found. The escort had been the ones who informed him they were missing. That they had vanished right infront of them. 'How could they have escaped the escort?' he wondered. He made sure Bersion did not find out or he would inform the High King. Everdron did not want the High King to worry yet. A group of lithe shadowy black figures stand on all fours infront of him. Two pinpoints of piercing green light glow from each, seeming to be glowing green stars on a dark night. Sharp black teeth are exposed for all to see. No light reflects off them as they shift and move in the dimly lit room. "Why did you summon us here, General Everdron?" the largest asks in a deep powerful voice, standing on it‘s hind legs. Everdron folds his hands in his sleeves. "Great servers of our Lord Daemon. I summoned you here in dire need. The princes of the High Royal Family are missing. I have scried for them. They appear to be north of here. I fear the intruder who murdered a soldier has once again arrived inside the palace and has taken them. I will pay a great reward for their return." "Why do you not go yourself?" another figure asks. "I must stay here to make sure no one finds out of this. I implore you, great and mighty Nightshades. You are the only ones who can find them." Everdron replies, bowing his head. The shadowed creatures turn to each other and hiss in their own language. The leader faces Everdron. "Very well." it says. "We shall find your charges and return them to you." Everdron looks up, feeling relieved. "It is much appreciated, Daemon's servants. You are our saviors." he replies. The figures disappear. The campfire dies down as the night passes. Skreme has his head resting on his knees. His face is covered by his hair. Mondre` is dozing off while gazing at the fire. 'They probably know we're gone by now.' he thinks. Ryuu seems to still be wide awake. A rustling makes him look behind him then he rises to his feet. "We need to leave." he whispers. “Is something wrong?” Mondre` yawns. “They're closer than I thought.” Ryuu says. Mondre` shakes Skreme by his shoulder. He begins to tip over on his side. He wakes up in an instant and catches himself. "I didn't!" he cries. He blinks and rubs his eyes. "Shhhh! Time to go." Mondre` whispers. Skreme moans and falls back onto the ground. "I don't want to." he whines. "Those people are still around." Mondre` says, getting up. He lowers his part of the protective dome then pulls Skreme to his feet, who releases his aura. Something crashes through the grasses. Mondre` and Skreme go to turn, but the people put blades to their throats. Ryuu goes to grab his dagger. “I wouldn't. Unless you want your friends to die.” one bandit says. Ryuu keeps from moving. Mondre` doesn't sense any aura coming from the bandits. ‘They must be humans.’ he thinks. He looks to Skreme without turning his head. “Ready?” he asks him. “Of course.” he says to him. “Now give us all your money or we'll take it.” another bandit says. “We don't have any money.” Ryuu says. “Yes, you do. Give it to us now!” the other bandit orders. “No! I want to go home!” Mondre` yells. “Silence!” the one who has him says. “Me too! I want to go home now!” Skreme shouts. They stomp their feet. Strands of their aura run from their feet to the bandits’. The bandits stiffen then drop their weapons, collapsing to the ground. Ryuu stands there for a moment then steps forward. “What happened?” he asks. “Just a simple technique. It paralyzes the entire body, but they're still conscious.” Skreme says, kicking one bandit in the side. “Huh?” Ryuu asks. “They're still awake, but can't move.” Skreme says. “Oh.” Ryuu says. He walks over to the bandits. “These two are from the guild.” he says. “Are you sure?” Mondre` asks. “Yeah. I'd know their faces anywhere.” Ryuu says. “We should hurry. The paralysis doesn't last long.” Mondre` says. Ryuu nods and puts the remaining flames out with dirt. The three hurry off to the distant forest. Night sounds make the area seem alive. Eyes reflect light from the many crescent moons and stars. A small pair of yellow eyes follows them. The cousins stay close to Ryuu. He notices them looking at the reflections. "Don't look them in the eyes." he warns. The cousins look straight ahead, keeping their gazes away from the predators. Far off cries make them shiver. Skreme isn't paying attention to where he is going. A vine catches his foot, making him lose his balance. He falls head first into a patch of grass. Mondre` and Ryuu turn when he cries out. They try to help him up, but he gasps and winces. "My arm! It burns!" he hisses. Mondre` notices a Cratje plant broken beside his arm. A little rip is in his sleeve, ringed by black blood. "He's been cut." he says. "I have a salve that can cool the burn. But we have to get to where we're going for the antidote." Ryuu says. He takes out a small jar from his satchel. He takes the top off and dips his fingers into a tan colored cream. He rubs it onto the small cut. "What do you mean, an antidote?" Skreme asks. "The poison doesn't leave the body unless the antidote is given or it stays with you. I have to keep the antidote in a cold place or it'll have no effect. If we don't run, it won't spread as fast." Ryuu explains. He closes the jar and puts it back into the satchel over his shoulder. "But we should hurry or they may catch up." Mondre` says. "You should've mentioned that before." Skreme says. "It was in our herbology books." Mondre` tells him. They help him up. "You actually paid attention?" he asks Mondre`. "A little." Mondre` replies to him. They keep their pace quick as they go down the hidden path. The eyes get closer as time goes by, glaring at them. The grass moves against a breeze. Skreme grumbles and scratches at his arm. "This is so irritating!" he hisses. "It gets worse if you scratch." Ryuu says. Skreme clenches his teeth together and stops scratching, becoming silent. He soon starts up again. They come to a path that leads into the dark forest. Mondre` looks up at the thick branches that seem to be gnarled fingers. “I don't like this place.” he whispers. “Neither do I.” Skreme mutters, rubbing his arm. “Stay close." Ryuu whispers then steps in. "I placed traps along the path so the wild animals won't attack anyone coming through." "If something attacks, we'll stop it." Mondre` says, watching where he steps. "If you like, we can teach you some techniques you can use to stop them." "That would be nice. I hate getting things in my traps all the time." Ryuu replies. "After we get the antidote." Skreme says. "When he gives me the antidote, we leave." he says to Mondre`. "No. He's helping us, so we help him." he tells him. They duck under a low branch. "Remember the plan." Skreme hisses at Mondre`. "I remember it. We can show him some techniques. All right?" he says to him. Skreme sighs and starts scratching his upper arm. "It's burning again." he announces. "We're almost there." Ryuu says. The crunching of leaves underfoot echoes all around. Other than that, the forest is unusually silent. No night birds, no insects, absolutely nothing. Luminous fungus can be seen in the darkness, glowing a multitude of soft colors. Small ones are attached to trees that line the path. Skreme comes to a stop and gazes into the woods. Mondre` bumps into him. "Why'd you stop?" he asks. "There's something over there." Skreme whispers. He stares straight ahead, squinting his eyes. Mondre` focuses his eyes in the direction Skreme faces. Three pairs of turquoise eyes stare back on a long head. The animal sees the boys’ expressions change from concentration to horror. It opens it's beak-like mouth, showing razor sharp points on the edges. "Aaaaaahhhhh!!!" The two run to Ryuu. "What?" he asks. Mondre` stands beside Ryuu, holding a concealed ball of flame behind his back. Skreme keeps behind them. "Something is over there." Mondre` says. He points to where they had been standing. Ryuu bends down and grabs his dagger. They wait, hearing heavy steps. Something comes into view. It looks like an enormous half-plucked bird with spikes along it's back and sharp teeth along it‘s beak. "I thought you said you had traps." Skreme snaps. "It found a way through." Ryuu says. "But that's not the one we saw. There was another." Mondre` says. The bird snarls and runs at them. "We need to leave." Skreme says to Mondre`. "No! We stay and help." Mondre` tells him. Ryuu aims his dagger. Mondre` notices a faint light brown and dark orange aura surround him as he concentrates. He throws his weapon as hard as he can. It hits the bird's beak, wedging into one of it‘s nostrils. The bird squawks and falls back. "Run!" he shouts, pushing the two up the trail. They don't argue. As they run, Mondre` hears in his mind. "Then grab his arm. We'll carry him." He grabs Ryuu's right arm. Skreme grabs his left. "What are you.....waaaaahhh!!!" Ryuu screams as everything quickens. The cousins race up the pathway at high speed. They hear the animal chase after them. It squawks again then scuffling. They slow to a stop. The bird was being attacked by the six eyed thing Mondre` and Skreme had seen. "Laedryn!" Ryuu calls. "Laedryn?" the cousins repeat. The animals fight, clawing at each other‘s faces. The six eyed animal named Laedryn hops back then rams into the bird, knocking it to the ground. The dagger pops out of it's beak when it slides along the dirt path. It gets up, hisses, then runs off into the trees. Laedryn runs after it then stops a few feet. It comes back, striding up to the boys. It is an iridescent lavender with spots of sickly green glowing in the darkness. It's body is thin and lithe. It's eyes have no pupils, just turquoise light. It's ears are long with spikes every inch or so. Hooked claws are on it's large talons. 'It's an Abyssal tarn.' Mondre` realizes. Ryuu runs up to it. The tarn lets him hug it's beak and scratch behind it's long ears. It starts making a deep purring noise. "Good boy, Laedryn." Ryuu says, patting it's shoulder. He sees the cousins standing where they had stopped. "It's all right. Laedryn won't hurt you." he says. They don't look so sure. Ryuu retrieves his dagger then walks up to them with the tarn following like a monstrous dog. "This is Laedryn. I raised him from an egg." he says. "So it's a pet?" Skreme asks, eyeing the animal warily. "I don't put him in a cage like people do with their pets. I let him go anywhere when he wants to. He's very friendly." Ryuu says. "We'll take your word for it." Skreme says. "We can ride him up to where we're going." Ryuu suggests. "I don't believe I will." Skreme says. "I think we'll be safer riding him than walking beside him. And isn't the poison spreading?" Mondre` says. Skreme huffs, scratching at his arm. "I suppose we could. But if it tries to eat me, I'm leaving." he says. "He won't eat you." Ryuu laughs. He climbs up first then holds out a hand. Mondre` takes it and climbs up then Skreme follows. Laedryn shifts at the extra weight then begins trotting up the path. It felt like riding a nightmare. "What was that bird anyway?" Mondre` asks. "Ah, it's a snix. That one's been avoiding my traps lately." Ryuu says. "How many people have come through here?" Skreme asks, scratching his shoulder then winces. "Not many. About twenty-three." Ryuu says. "I'm not surprised." Mondre` hears Skreme say. "By the way, how'd you do that? With the running?" Ryuu asks. "It's a technique we were taught." Mondre` says. "Can you teach me?" Ryuu asks. "I suppose. But we'll have to leave soon after we get the antidote." Mondre` says. "Can you come back?" Ryuu asks. "Perhaps. All we need to do is know where you live and we're able to return any time." Mondre` replies. Skreme rolls his eyes then pauses. He elbows Mondre` in the side. "What?" Mondre` asks. Skreme seems puzzled as he points up ahead. A huge old tower can be seen through the treetops, black against the night sky. Spots where shingles had fallen off are replaced by wooden planks. Ryuu smiles at their curious faces. "Like it?" he asks. "Yeah." Mondre` says. "It's not at all as impressive as the palace. But I suppose it's good enough." Skreme says, scratching his neck. "I think it's spreading." Ryuu leans forward and whispers something into Laedryn's ear. The Tarn bolts toward the tower. Skreme and Mondre` have to hold on tight. They arrive at the front door in a few bounds of Laedryn‘s long gait. Ryuu slides down with ease. Mondre` and Skreme jump down. Ryuu whispers again to Laedryn. The tarn stalks back into the woods. Ryuu takes out a skeleton key from his satchel and places it into a lock below the door handle. He twists it then turns the doorknob. The door opens with a squeak. He grimaces. “We need to be quiet in here.” he whispers. He glances inside then beckons for them to come. They step up onto the stone step then walk inside. They can see it is vast within, with a staircase leading to the top. Several levels jut out, seeming to be rooms cut in half. Candleholders with old melted candles are attached to the walls. "Let's get some light in here." Skreme says, raising a hand. "No!" Ryuu hisses, forcing his arm down. "Why not?" Skreme growls. "We can't have light in here or the Redcap will wake up." Ryuu says in a hushed voice. "Redcap?" Skreme asks. "I thought they lived on the plane of Tir-Na-Nog." Mondre` says. "The High King lets them do what they want here as long as they don't attack any Daemoniacs." Ryuu whispers. "Then we've nothing to worry about." Skreme says. He raises his hand again. "No! I don't want to risk it." Ryuu says, putting his arm down again. Skreme yanks his arm out of his grip. "Are you going to get some light in here?" he asks sharply. "When we come to the top. That's where I stay." Ryuu says. He leads the way past the levels. The stairs creak under their weight. Mondre` can see cobwebs and dust dangling everywhere. He bumps into a few. “Bleh!” he grunts, pulling them off his face. He hears someone below him laugh. Down at the bottom step, a pair of white eyeballs gaze up at him with gray irises surrounding thin round pupils. Terror runs through him. "Go!" Ryuu yells. Everyone dashes up the stairs. The figure runs after them, making a fast 'crik crik crik' as it moves over the stairs. Ryuu comes to the top, which is a complete ceiling. He opens a trap door attached to it and pulls himself up. Skreme leaps up after him. Then Mondre` leaps through the doorway. Ryuu slams the trapdoor and locks it in time. Something runs into it, sending up dust. He falls away from the door. The thing growls then slips back downstairs. "Why do you stay here if it wants to kill you?" Skreme asks angrily, waving the dust out of his face. He coughs a few times then clutches his arm. "My Mom birthed me here. This is my first home." Ryuu says, standing up. He walks to a shelf that holds many kinds of bottles and vials. A cabinet sits on the middle one. "You stay here because of that?" Skreme asks. "Yeah. You would stay in the place where you were born, right?" Ryuu asks. 'That's why? I never thought of it that way.' Mondre` thinks. Ryuu opens the cabinet, which seeps a cold mist. He picks up a jug of liquid then places it down and gestures for Skreme to come over. Mondre` follows Skreme to see what happens, ducking under a cobweb. Skreme kneels down and holds out his arm. The wound had sealed. "I need to open it again." Ryuu says, taking out his dagger. "Oh, no, you don't. I'll do it." Skreme says, snatching the dagger away. He places the blade to where the cut had been, shuts his eyes, and rubs it over his skin. Black blood flows from the injury. Ryuu pours a tiny droplet from the jug onto his finger then places it onto the cut. Skreme feels the burning sensation leave in place of a numbing feeling then it disappears. Ryuu hands him a rag, which is covered in dirt. He instead uses his shirt. When he wipes it away, he flexes his arm. "It actually worked." he says. ‘That's strong alchemy.’ Mondre` thinks. "Say thank you." he says. Skreme rolls his eyes. "Thank you." he mutters, handing the dagger back. "You're welcome." Ryuu says, tucking it back in his boot. He puts the jug back. A powerful presence surrounds the area, making Mondre` go rigged. Skreme jumps to his feet. "Someone's here." he hisses. “Who?” Ryuu asks. Several cries come from below. The three stand stock still, breathing very little. The birds fly out of an opening in the roof. Mondre` listens as the cries die down. A ruckus occurs downstairs. "The bandits!" Ryuu whispers. “I thought they would've learned their lesson the first time.” Skreme says. “The Redcap might stop them.” Ryuu says, creeping to the trapdoor. Pounding moves up the stairs. A black mist seeps through the panels. It's top solidifies into the shape of a spiked skull with glowing piercing green dots for eyes. It bares sharp black teeth at him, who backs away in terror. He darts over to the cousins as more dark figures rise out of the floor. All of their eyes light the whole room in green. The boys back into a shelf. Ryuu slowly reaches behind him with one hand and grabs a vial. A creature darts at them. Skreme shoots a spout of fire at it from his palm. The flames engulf it. It disappears in a smoky puff. "That was simple." he says. Another rushes at them. Mondre` thrusts his hand out and clenches it into a fist. The air collapses in on the figures. They are crushed into clouds of smoke. The three cough and wave it away from their faces. “Are they gone?” Ryuu asks. “Yeah.” Mondre` says. "What were those?" Ryuu asks. "Nightshades." Skreme says. "Nightshades? Here? But they're supposed to serve..." Skreme's ankle is grabbed. He is yanked off his feet and onto his stomach. His breath comes out in a "Hhhhhuuuuu!" Mondre` goes to help him up. But the neck of his tunic is grabbed. He is lifted off the ground. He slides out and runs to Skreme, who dangles upside down. He grabs his arms and pulls. Skreme kicks at the nightshade that holds him. His foot only goes through it. One grabs Mondre` by his legs, making him let go, and lifts him up. Ryuu is fending three off with his arsenal of potions. One catches him from behind. It holds his arms to his sides and picks him up. He kicks, trying to wriggle out of it's grip. The room sinks into the shadows.
Copyright 2007

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Sabotage - Chapter Nine

                                             Chapter Nine

Skreme rushes through the corridor walls. He searches each area he passes before moving into another. He slips through a room, not seeing anything unusual, then runs out of the next wall into a hall. He passes another corridor. His tunic sleeve is grabbed. He swings around from the surprise, but he is still moving and trips over his own feet. He spins then lands hard on his side. Marinae stands over him, hands on her hips. The escort stands behind her. "Where have you been?" she asks. He gets to his feet. "Wherever I want." he says, brushing his clothes off. "Did you get the rat? Where is High Prince Mondre`? What are you running from?" she asks. He walks down the hall, not saying a word. She follows him. The soldiers follow at a short distance. "Answer me. Where are you going?" she asks. "I am looking for the rat. If you want to come....." "No. That is fine. You search for it. But where is High Prince Mondre`?" "I suppose he already found it. Or maybe he found a nest of rats." “Found a…..nest?” He notices her shudder. "I never knew the palace was infested with so much vermin. Why are you going after it? You should have one of the soldiers get it." she says. 'She inquires as much as Everdron.' he thinks then gets an idea. "High Advisor Everdron was the one who set the rats loose. us train." "He did?" she asks. “Yes.” he says. "Oh. Could he not have released another sort of animal for you to train with instead?" she asks. "No. I need to return to training." he says. He runs down the hall. She huffs at how he dismissed her so easily. Mondre` stops infront of Everdron‘s bedroom. He had followed the figure all the way there. Everdron’s protective aura is still around it. Nothing is at it's base. He looks down the other end of the hall. There is nothing moving down that way. 'If nothing is here, then I will go upstairs.' he thinks. He does the same as Skreme did to open the barrier and opens the door. Someone stands over the desk, looking through papers. He recognizes their clothes. "Debern!" he hisses. Debern jumps. A relieved look comes over him when he sees it is only Mondre`. "Master Andre`. You surprised me." he says, straightening the papers. "There are soldiers everywhere. You and the others have to go now." Mondre` says, stepping the rest of the way in. "I need to find something first." Debern says, returning to the desk. "You must leave now." Mondre` says, making the request an order. Debern faces him, seeming surprised. "All right." he says, putting the papers down. He walks past him to the door. He waves a finger at the shield. It wobbles then moves away for him. He steps through. 'How did he do that?' Mondre` wonders, jaw dropped. "Coming?" Debern asks. "Oh. Yeah." Mondre` steps out after him. Debern releases the aura, letting it return to being a solid wall of light. Mondre` escorts him down the many halls. He remains quiet, gazing at the boy's clothes. They arrive at the invisible room where the siblings were supposed to be. There is no one inside. "Ryuu? Ashla?" Mondre` calls. Ryuu peeks out from behind a piece of old furniture. "Andre`. I thought it was one of those guards. Where's Ream?" he asks. Ashla peeks out beside him. "Jaran went off to search for you." she says, facing Debern. "All right. I will go search for him." he says, turning back to the door. Mondre` stands between him and the door. "I'll search for him. You three stay here." he says. He rushes out. He slowly and quietly closes the door. He finds Ivinin standing behind him and starts. "There you are, Your Highness. Where is Daemon Prince Skreme?" he asks. "He is.....looking for Marinae. I think he may be on the west side." Mondre` says. Ivinin appears doubtful. He looks to the door. A frown crosses his face. "Were you talking to someone in there?" he asks. "No." Mondre` says quickly. "Then what were you doing?" Ivinin asks. "We were....looking for a rat we have seen running the corridors." Mondre` says. "A rat?" Ivinin asks, puzzled. "Yes. But it is not here. So, let us go look for Skreme. Perhaps he found it." Mondre` says. He pushes Ivinin away from the door, waving his hand at the door. It becomes solid wall once again. Skreme isn't having as much luck. He walks with his hands over his ears as Marinae talks. Her eyes wander to the doorways, afraid something will come out of a room. "Is he dead? Oh, I hope not. How many rats are in a rat's nest? Do you think he is hurt? Do you know where it is? We need to save him. How are we going to save him?" she says worriedly. He puts his arms by his sides and whips around to face her. "Then go search for him! Take your escort with you!" he snaps. "I will not." she says, hands on her hips. "Why not?" he asks. "Because you are looking for him too. If you find him, we both find him." she says. "That does not even make sense." Skreme mutters. He continues walking. 'Where is Mondre` anyway!?' he wonders angrily. Marinae hurries to step infront of him. “Why are you just walking? We need to find him. Do you know where he is? He could be on the other side. You should send someone.” she says. Skreme opens his mouth to say something when he sees Jaran walk down a distant corridor. Marinae notices him pause and turns to see Jaran. He does not look like any of the other servants she had seen in the palace. He wears a dirty peasant's outfit with a belt laying over his left shoulder that has daggers sheathed along it. His boots are caked with mud and his hair is unkempt. He strides to the other end of the corridor, disappearing from view. "Who was that?" she asks, staring after him. "One of the servants. I need to speak with him. Wait here." Skreme says. He runs off before she can say something. He turns the corner to find Jaran checking an empty room. "What are you doing here?" he snaps. Jaran swings around, a dagger in his hand. "Oh, it's you. Ryuu and Ashla were worried about you. So, Tino let us in to see if you were all right. Are you wearing silk?" he says, looking him over as he sheathes his dagger. ‘Tino brought them? How could he get them past the barrier?’ Skreme wonders. "You all should leave before the Daemon High King finds out you're here." he says. It felt strange calling his uncle that. "I can't leave unless we find Tino. Or you can take me back." Jaran says. "Prince Skreme! Where are you?" Marinae hollers. She comes around the corner. "Stop talking to servants. Finding the High Prince is more important." she says. The soldiers step up behind her. They get suspicious looks when they see Jaran. Skreme takes a step back. 'This is not good.' he thinks. "Run!" he yells, running the opposite way. Jaran tenses then dashes after him. They race away from Marinae, who is now red in the face. She raises a hand. Bright leaf green aura shoots toward them. "No, Milady!" one of the soldiers shout to her, running at her. Skreme senses it. He slings his own aura at it. It explodes on contact. Jaran loses his balance and hits the floor. Skreme pulls him up and keeps going. Marinae coughs from the green smoke, waving her hand to move it away. She looks up to find the hall empty. "What was that? Who was that? And why did she call you Prince Skreme?" Jaran asks, keeping pace. "I counter-acted her aura. That was a Marques’ daughter who won't shut her mouth. She calls us all sorts of names." Skreme says. He was becoming irritated from all the questions. "She thinks you're a prince?" Jaran asks, laughing. 'How funny.' Skreme thinks. "This way." He grabs Jaran’s sleeve and pulls him to a wall. "Are you mad!?" Jaran cries. He goes to pull away, but Skreme holds on tight. He pulls him right into the wall. They pass through like it isn't even there. Jaran looks back to see the wall gone. The corridor can be seen outside. "How'd you..." "There's no time. We need to hurry." Skreme says. They hurry to the room where Ryuu and Ashla are supposed to be. They have to dodge guards who march by, but they arrive at the spot. Skreme raps on the wall while they stand in the hallway, listening for the sound of hollow wood. Jaran keeps an eye out for any guards. Skreme finds the door then pulls him through. Ryuu and Ashla are hiding behind the old furniture, talking to Debern. They look out when they hear the footsteps. "Why'd you take so long?" Ryuu asks. Jaran chuckles. "Sorry. Prince Ream and I had a little run-in with the Marques’ daughter." Everyone looks to Skreme. "She thought I was the prince. That's all." Skreme says haughtily. "Do you mean a prince or the High Prince?" Ashla asks. "The High Prince's cousin, perhaps." Debern says. Skreme tries to change the subject, agitated by what he said. "Where's Andre`?" he asks. "He went off to look for you." Debern says. "I'll go get Tino. Stay here." Skreme says. "You need not bother. We can leave on our own." Debern says. "I have something to show you tomorrow. Will you and Andre` be able to come to the guild tomorrow night?" Ryuu asks. "Depends." Skreme says. Ashla turns to her brother. "What do you mea....?" Mondre` bursts through the door, closing it fast behind him. He pants hard, leaning against it. He notices everyone in the room. "You need to leave now before the lieutenant comes back. Is Tino here?" he says. "No. He's in the kitchen. I was just telling Prince Ream I have something to show you tomorrow." Ryuu says, patting Skreme on the shoulder. "Prince Ream?" Mondre` gulps. "Uh huh. The Marques’ daughter called Ream Prince Skreme as he was bringing Jaran here." Ashla giggles. Mondre` looks to Skreme, whose cheeks are red. "We should go now. I think we have overstayed our welcome." Debern says. He puts his hand on Jaran's shoulder and grabs Ryuu's arm. Ashla takes Ryuu's hand. They disappear into thin air. Mondre` and Skreme gape. “He can travel!” Mondre` gasps. “So he is an Avantra.” Skreme says. Mondre` sits down on the floor, sighing. "Fantastic." he mumbles. “What are we going to do?” “We won't say anything about this to anyone.” Skreme says, standing beside him. “But he'll come back.” Mondre` says. “We'll make sure he doesn't.” “How are we going to stop an Avantra? He was able to move Everdron‘s aura aside as if it wasn't there.” Mondre` leans his head against the wood. “He did?” Skreme asks. Mondre` nods. Skreme looks back at where Debern had been standing. “Then we'll need to stop him another way.” he says. “Our Alchemic bombs?” Mondre` asks. “Maybe that'll work.” Skreme mumbles. They stop when soldiers run by. "And I never want to be alone with that yapping girl ever again." he growls. Mondre` grins. "Now you understand how it feels." he says. "We need to tell her you're still alive." Skreme says, walking to the door. Mondre` gets up. "She thinks I'm dead?" he asks. "Probably. She wouldn't relent having me try and fight rats to save you." Skreme says. Mondre` laughs. "I suppose we should go tell her then." he says. They walk out to search for her. She is exasperated to see Mondre` safe when they do find her. "You are alive! Did you destroy the rat's nest?" she asks. The escort is still with her. "Rat's nest?" Mondre` asks quizzically. "I mentioned you may have encountered a rat's nest." Skreme says to him. "Yes. How many were there?" Marinae asks, hands clasped together anxiously. "Oh, uh, about thirty. They were fairly large and disgusting." Mondre` says, wiping his bangs back from his eyes. "You are so brave, my Lord. Tell me how you defeated them." she says, overjoyed. Mondre` gets a sheepish smile. "All right. But I need to find Lieutenant Ivinin first." he says. "You can tell me on the way then." she says cheerfully. "All right." he says. The trio walk through the palace, talking while looking for Ivinin. Mondre` makes up a tall tale about how he defeated the giant rats all alone. Skreme adds to the tale by saying he used a sword from one of the trophy rooms. Even their escort seems impressed. Marinae gazes at Mondre` with wonder. “You will be a great High King one day.” she says happily. Ivinin comes out of a hallway. "You are safe." he says. He sounds relieved. "Yes, we are fine. There is no need to worry." Skreme says. "Of course, Your Majesty." Ivinin says with a bow. "Where shall we go, Your Majesty?" Marinae asks, holding Mondre`’s arm. "How about the courtyard?" Mondre` suggests, mostly to Skreme. “Excellent idea!” Marinae says excitedly. "Yes. Let us go." Skreme says. They walk to the back of the palace. The next night, Skreme and Mondre` sit at the dining table. Marinae sits opposite them. The soldiers stand all around, watching them eat. They had already checked the food for any sort of poison. Nothing could be found. The boys remain silent as they eat. They were still tired from yesterday. Their parents had reprimanded them for sneaking away from the escort. They had not run off since. They were too busy thinking of a decision they decided on last night. The grown-ups already ate and were in the War room, discussing the problem. Marinae sees the princes’ exhausted expressions. "What is wrong?" she asks, putting her fork down. Mondre` looks up then smiles. "Nothing is wrong. We are only tired." he replies. Skreme puts his silverware down and gets up. "We are full. We are going to bed." he mumbles. Mondre` yawns then rises along with him. “As are we.” he says. They walk to the door with half the soldiers following a yard away. The boys turn the corner. The soldiers turn to see the cousins' backs to them, as always. Mondre` and Skreme watch them walk after their copies. "We have to hurry." Skreme says to Mondre`. They make their way through the walls to their room. They change outfits then travel. Ryuu is on the steps, waiting for them. He stands up when they walk in. "Ready?" he asks. "We need to tell you something first." Mondre` says. "Come on." Ryuu says, walking past them to the door. "Where are you going to take us?" Skreme asks. "You'll see." Ryuu says. "Isn't Ashla coming?" Mondre` asks. Ryuu gives a stiff shrug. "She doesn't want to come." he says. "Is this going to take long?" Skreme asks. "Not long at all." Ryuu says. ‘It'll be one last adventure before we tell him.’ Mondre` thinks. "All right. We'll come." he says. Skreme frowns at him. “It'll keep us from Marinae.” he says to him. He strides up to Ryuu. "Are you coming?" Ryuu asks. Skreme appears to think about what Mondre` said. "Very well. I'll come. But afterwards, we need to talk." he says. He strides past them out into the street. He goes down one end of the road. "Ummm, it's the other way." Ryuu says. Skreme stops then turns and walks the other way after Mondre` and Ryuu. People walk across to a set of stores, getting in their way. They have to push through the crowd to get away. They come to open space. The wind rustles the leaves on the trees and whistles through gaps in the wood, cooling the hot city lanes. The buildings block much of the setting sunlight and trees, making them look like towering monsters. The waterfalls can still be heard. 'This is far better than sloshing through the sewers.' Skreme thinks. He watches Ryuu lead the way. 'We should tell him now and go back.' he thinks. The image of Marinae yapping comes to mind. He shudders as a cool breeze blows through. 'I suppose we can keep going a little longer. At least until she's asleep.' he decides. Mondre` looks to the stores. They are all busy, lit with candle or lodestone light. The merchants beckon for them to see what they have. The three continue, since they didn't have any money and they already had something to do. The lodestone lamps light the street with eerie pale green-white light. Mondre` looks over his shoulder. The palace looms behind them, rising among the clouds. The glowing tips of the spires appear to be parts of the dimming sky while some are covered in cloud. His eyes move down to the city. Figures creep past two dark buildings. He catches another darting between a small alleyway on the other side, moving in their direction. He walks over to Skreme. “I think someone's following us.” he whispers. “Are you sure?” Skreme asks. “Yes.” Mondre` says. He hurries his pace enough to catch up with Ryuu while keeping a lookout. "We're being followed." he says as softly as he can. "I know." Ryuu says just as softly. They don't say anything else, keeping their eyes and ears open. Ten turns later, they come to the edge of the city. Ahead of them is a vast plain covered in purple and green plants. To the right, the Donoghue mountain range can be faintly seen, covered in forest. People walk down and up a pathway to a winding dirt road heading north. "We need to pass the Burning Plains to get where we're going." Ryuu says, walking down a flight of stairs that end the cobbled city roads. "Be careful. One cut from the Cratje and you burn all over within moments." He steps out into the open, going straight instead of walking down the path. "We know of it." Skreme says. A sound makes him turn back. Nothing moves. "What does the Cathe look like?" Mondre` asks. "Cratje. I'll show you." Ryuu says, jogging ahead. "Why are we going into the Burning Plains?" Skreme asks, hurrying to keep up. “It'll be faster than the path.” Ryuu says, slowing down. "When do you have to go back to the castle?" He comes to a stop at a patch of tall grasses and kneels down beside a purple plant that has thorns down most of it's stalk. "We don't any time soon." Mondre` says. Ryuu takes a dagger out of his boots. He cuts the plant at it's base where there are less thorns. He stands up and hands the plant to Skreme when he walks up. "That's the Cratje. Don't cut yourself." he says, sheathing the dagger. Skreme notices the long thorns very close to his hands and drops it. "Why are you giving it to me? He's the one who asked." he snaps, pointing at Mondre`. "I thought you wanted to see it." Ryuu replies. “Don't yell.” Mondre` whispers. “I can if I want to.” Skreme says. “But we might be found out.” Mondre` says, seeing the people walking down the road close to them. Ryuu looks to the horizon to see the first moon edging it’s way up in the north-west. "Since you two don't need to go anytime soon, let's make camp." he says. "How long is it going to take to get to this place of yours?" Skreme asks sharply. Ryuu ponders, gazing at the distant forest. "We could make it by the eighth if you don't want to stop. It isn't far." he says. Skreme looks at the city. Mondre` elbows him. His eyes dart over to glare at him. "We don't have to stay. We can always go back to Marinae's talk." Mondre` says to him. Skreme fumes, surely imagining how Marinae would talk non-stop at them. "Fine. We'll stay. But what are we going to do about them?" he grumbles to him. "They won't come anywhere near us if they know what's good for them." Mondre` says to him. Skreme looks back to the city then returns his gaze to Mondre`. “I have an idea.” he says to him. Ryuu watches them stare at each other. "What's wrong?" he asks. "Nothing. We want to rest before we go." Mondre` says then gives a tiny nod to the city. Ryuu understands the motion, but is confused. "Then we should gather some wood for a fire." he says. The three separate, but remain close, gathering anything they can use for fuel. Mondre` picks up anything he thinks will work for a fire. He pulls a branch off a small tree. The sound of snapping twigs gets closer. He gathers everything then hurries back to the campsite. Skreme picks up anything that doesn't have insects or dirt. Mondre` places his moderately sized pile down into a space Ryuu had cleared. Skreme drops nine wilted plants on the ground and sits with his arms crossed. His aura brightens to warm himself up. "Are you all right?" Mondre` asks. "I'm tired." Skreme mumbles. Mondre` feels the same way, but the work keeps him awake. Ryuu comes up and puts his pile of branches and sticks down beside Mondre`'s. He picks up a group of green blades of grass then sets them aside. “These won't work. These will.” he says, sorting through the pile. He puts everything he needs in a pile then takes out two flint stones, blowing on them to make sure they are dry. Then he strikes them together by the pile. Sparks fly into the wood. He blows into the pile then strikes the stones again. Skreme puts a finger on the ground. A stream of his aura shoots across the ground into the pile while Ryuu blows on it again to get the fire going. It bursts into flames. Ryuu looks to the stones. Skreme and Mondre` sit close to fire, trying to warm up. “They're coming.” Mondre` whispers. “Stay quiet.” Ryuu whispers. “Should we put a barrier up?” Mondre` asks his cousin. “We should.” Skreme says to him. The cousins concentrate. Dual streams of magic shoot up then spread out into a dome over them to the ground. Ryuu doesn't see it. He was putting the flints back into his satchel then sits opposite of them. "So how long have you lived with the guild?" Mondre` asks. "Ever since my mother died. I wander around sometimes. But the guild is like my family." Ryuu replies. "Where's your father?" Mondre` asks. Skreme hugs his knees. His eyes glance about. "I never knew him. Mother didn't like to talk of him." Ryuu says, gazing at the flames. Mondre` becomes silent, watching the fire eat at the dead grasses. 'He never knew him? That's terrible. Why wouldn't she tell him about his own father?' he wonders.

Copyright 2007

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Sabotage - Chapter Eight

                                        Chapter Eight

Early the next morning, the Royals sit in the study, trying to remain awake. Bersion stands with his back to them, gazing out into the courtyard. Everdron paces across the room. His figure casts a long shadow. "Explain to me what you saw again." he says. The cousins groan. "We told you. We woke up when Mondre` began ranting about a person being killed in the throne room. So we let him show us. We viewed a person standing over the body." Skreme says. "Then Marinae startled us. The person heard us and was about to attack, so we ran." Mondre` says. “That was when we met the lieutenant.” "Who di...." "Who did you see in the throne room?" Everdron says, interrupting Bersion while standing infront of Mondre`. Bersion gives him a sharp look. Mondre` looks to Skreme then back to Everdron. "We did not see who it was." he says. Bersion looks to Marinae, who fiddles with her hands. "And who did you see, Daemon Marinae?" he asks kindly. "I only viewed a person in the dark." she says. Everdron turns to Skreme, who glares up at him. "Who did you see...." Bersion clears his throat. Everdron folds his hands behind him and softens his voice slightly. "Your Majesty, who did you see?" he asks. "We viewed a person with blue eyes." Skreme says simply. "Did he speak?" Everdron asks. "We can not remember." Skreme yawns. Everdron turns away and walks past Bersion to the desk. "Wait. He did say something." Skreme says thoughtfully. Both Advisors face him. "What did he say, Your Majesty?" Bersion asks. Skreme smirks. "He said something similar to 'You are a fool'." he says. "No, it was 'What a fool'." Mondre` corrects. Everdron narrows his eyes at him. Skreme pretends to remember. "That is right. It was 'What a fool'." he says. "Did he sound familiar?" Bersion asks. Mondre` shakes his head. Skreme nods. "He sounded very familiar." he says. "Who was it, Your Majesty?" Everdron asks, sounding eager to get this situation over and done with. "You will not believe us when we tell you." Skreme says, relaxing back in his seat. "I will believe you, Your Majesty." Everdron says. Skreme looks up at him with a wicked smile. "All right then." he says. "Skreme!" Mondre` hisses at him, sitting forward. "It was you." Skreme says. Everdron’s face goes blank. "Excuse me, Your Majesty?" Bersion asks. "We heard High Advisor Everdron say 'What a fool'." Skreme says slowly. Everdron looks very confused. "If this is one of your tricks, it is not amusing." he says, staring hard into Skreme's eyes. "It is the truth." Skreme says. Everdron stands there, gazing hard at them then glances at the floor. Mondre`, Skreme, and Marinae gazes do not waver. He notices them staring and clears his throat. "Are you sure you overheard me say that?" he asks. Mondre` nods a little, along with Skreme. Marinae looks from one person to another. Everdron begins to seem worried. "Perhaps you should leave, High Advisor Everdron. I will continue to interrogate." Bersion says. "His High Majesty, Daemon High King of Veud, Gothron Daemonious. Her Highness, Daemon High Queen of Veud, Lithera Daemonious. Daemon Grand Duke Yorroe Daemonious of Klohmoi. And Her Majesty, Daemon Grand Duchess Katalin Daemonious of Klohmoi. They have arrived!" they hear from the main ballroom. The three teenagers hurry to the door. "We will continue this later." Bersion says. "Yes." they reply. The princes race down the corridor to the front doors. The doors are wide open, showing a pair of carriages stopping at the palace stairs. A man and woman step out of the first. Then the second Royal carriage door opens, letting out another couple. "Mom! Dad!" the boys cry, running up the stairs to their parents. They hug them tight, overjoyed to see them. "Good morning." Gothron says, patting Mondre`'s head. "You two have not been in too much trouble, I hope." Yorroe says. "No. There has not been too much trouble." Skreme says. The High Advisors walk up. Everdron is solemn. "Greetings, High Advisors." Lithera says with a slight bow of her head. The High Advisors bow low. "Greetings, Daemon High Queen." Bersion says. "Has anything been going on while we have been away?" Gothron asks. Everdron goes to say something, but Mondre` notices Marinae coming toward them. "Dad, the Marques' daughter is here." he says. "Greetings, Daemon Marinae. Welcome to Veud." Gothron says. Mondre` lets out his breath. Marinae smiles and curtsies. "Thank you, Daemon High Lord. It is a pleasure to be here." she replies politely. "Where are the Daemon Marques and Daemon Marquises? I would like to speak with them." Lithera says. "They are away in the city, Daemon High Lady." Marinae says. "Let us go to the dining hall while we wait for them." Gothron suggests. "Excellent idea. I am famished." Yorroe says, wrapping his arm around Katalin's shoulders. Everyone walks to the dining hall, talking of recent events. "Coming, Advisor?" Bersion says. He walks after the group. Everdron follows, grim faced. When they are settled down at the dining table, the boys ask their parents all sorts of questions. "How large are the Dragons?" Mondre` asks excitedly. "They can be as large as trees. The Dragoons are even larger." Gothron says. He had just finished telling the three about what the battle had been like. The boys were fascinated by the descriptions of the Fae Folk and Dragons. Marinae not as much. "I could defeat a Dragoon easily." Skreme says. Yorroe chuckles. "We are sure you can." he says, ruffling his son's hair. "Dad!" Skreme grumbles, pushing his hand away. He tries to flatten it back down. "It takes a great deal of strength and patience to bring only one Dragoon down." Gothron says. "We can do it. We are sure." Mondre` says confidently. The grown-ups laugh at his enthusiasm. The Advisors stand on either side of Gothron. Katalin notices the sour expression on Everdron's face. "High Advisor. Is something the matter?" she asks. "Yes, Milady, there is." Everdron says. They all turn around to face him. "What is it?" Lithera asks. "Would it be all right if the young Majesties left?" Bersion asks. Gothron turns to the boys and Marinae. "You need to leave." he says, suddenly serious. "But..." "Go." he orders. The teenagers get up from the table and leave the room. The door shuts behind them. "What do you think they are telling them?" Marinae asks. "I don't know. I can't hear anything in there." Mondre` says, pressing his ear to the door. "They probably have a sound bubble." Skreme mumbles. "Is it about what we saw last night?" Marinae asks. "Most likely." he says. Mondre` leans against the wall. "They didn't need to lock us out. We know all about it." he says. "Perhaps they know something we don't." Skreme says. "Why are you speaking as a peasant?" Marinae asks. “Maybe they're talking about the intruders.” Mondre` says, ignoring her. Skreme gazes at the door, a deep concentrated look on his face. "Come with me, Mondre`. Stay here, Princess, and keep watch." he says, hurrying across the throne room. Mondre` rushes to keep up. "Princess?” she mumbles then raises her voice. “What do I do if they come out?" "Act like nothing is happening." Skreme hollers back. She watches the two disappear along with a row of soldiers through a doorway. "You do realize she can't do that." Mondre` points out. "I realize." Skreme says. They move up a flight of stairs. “Are you ready?” he asks Mondre`. “Yes.” Mondre` says to him. They speed ahead, leaving the surprised guards behind. The guards hurry to catch up. “Someone sneaked into the palace?!” Yorroe says angrily. “Yes. A guard saw a young half breed in the laundry room.” Bersion says. “It sent his patroller into a vat of hot water before running into the palace. He was able to catch up, but one of it’s companions attacked him then he claims that they traveled. I have not been informed as to when the prisoner was released.” “Tauva informed me it was during the fourth tone.” Everdron says. “How many do you suspect there were?” Katalin asks. “At least three. And there is one other thing, Your High Majesty. The gift has been stolen.” Everdron says. Gothron listens, his facial features emotionless. 'Has my military slacked that much while I have been away?' he wonders. Mondre` and Skreme come to a door that has a dark blue-purple aura over it. 'What are we doing at High Advisor Everdron‘s room?' Mondre` wonders. Skreme holds his arms out at the door, palms placed together. A tiny beam of his dark, nearly black, green aura shoots into the barrier. He separates his hands, widening the beam. It grows, becoming a hole big enough for one of them to fit in. "Go." he says, looking down the hall. Mondre` opens the door and slips in. He then holds it open for Skreme, who steps in after him. Skreme closes the door and steps away, letting Mondre` release the barrier. They look about the room, which is filled with books and documents. A bed is set against one wall. Dressers are beside it with inkwells and papers on top. "What are we looking for?" Mondre` asks, nudging a quill around in an inkwell. "Everdron used a sword. We need to find it. Or the handkerchief he used to wipe it off with." Skreme says, searching a desk. “He would not hide it in his room. This would be the first place the guards would search.” Mondre` says, opening a drawer. “He would keep it here until they decided to search.” Skreme says. They find several small daggers for opening letters, but none look big or long enough for the stab wound they saw on the soldier. Mondre` looks under the bed and sees a hilt. "Skreme." he says, pulling it out. It was a sword taller than Skreme with a silver hilt bejeweled with rubies. "It couldn't have been that. It's too big." Skreme says. Mondre` slides the weapon back into place. "We need to go back. There's nothing here." he says. Skreme is on the floor, knocking on the floor boards for any secret compartments. "Fine." he mutters, standing up. He places one of the last daggers back in it‘s place between two books. They put it all away then slip out of the room. Soldiers appear out of the walls. "Daemon High Prince Mondre`. Daemon Prince Skreme. Come with us." one soldier orders. “Why?” Skreme asks. “The High King requests you come to the dining hall.” the soldier says. The boys decide not to argue. They let the soldiers escort them back to the throne room. Marinae is not at the dining room doors. The doors are opened when they come closer. The princes see their parents, including Marinae's, talking to the girl. The adults look up when the boys and soldiers step in. "Where have you been?" snaps Yorroe. "We were walking around." Skreme says. "You should not go anywhere without the escort. The High Advisors have informed us that someone has infiltrated the palace and murdered a soldier. Daemon Marinae was just informing us of what happened." Gothron says in a stern voice. "Do you understand?" Lithera asks. "Yes Ma‘am." the boys reply solemnly. "Now you need to tell us what happened." Katalin says. The boys tell them the same story they told the High Advisors. When they finish, Gothron nods. "You may go. Do not leave the escort." he says. Marinae follows the princes out of the room. The doors close behind them. "What did you tell them?" Skreme asks, facing the girl. "I told them the same I had before." she says. "So Everdron didn't mention anything about what Skreme told him?" Mondre` asks. "I am not sure. They only asked me what I witnessed." Marinae replies. They watch her fiddle with her hair, waiting for her to tell them more. "And?" Skreme asks impatiently. "I said I viewed a person in the throne room." she says. The soldiers walk closer to listen. Mondre` takes a glance back at them then returns to facing ahead. "Maybe we can figure out who really killed the soldier." he says to Skreme and Marinae. "Everdron is the killer." Skreme mutters to them as they continue to walk. "We don't know that for sure." Mondre` says to them. Skreme shrugs. "So you say." he says to them. They walk through the palace corridors with the escort, wondering what to do first. Marinae describes what they could do instead of looking for the murderer. Mondre` and Skreme walk faster to possibly escape. Mondre` notices something shining out of the corner of his eye when he walks into a corridor. Ryuu peeks out of a hallway, his earring catching the light. He waves when Skreme steps beside Mondre`. He backs away just as Marinae comes around the corner. She sees their tense expressions. "What is it?" she asks. "Nothing. It is just....I think I saw a giant rat." Skreme says. Her aura brightens with fear. "We should have the escort take care of it." she suggests. "No!" the boys cry. "No. Why not help the servants by removing it ourselves?" Skreme says. "Is that so?" Mondre` asks him. "That is all right. You go on ahead. We shall wait here." she says. "Very well." Mondre` says. He and Skreme run off to the hallway. The escort goes to follow them. Marinae turns and narrows her eyes, which become purple with green slits. "Do not go anywhere." she orders. They stop in their tracks. “Yes, Madam.” the captain gulps. Mondre` and Skreme come up to Ryuu and Ashla. "What are you doing here?" Skreme hisses. "We were worried when you did not return." Ashla says. "How did you get in?" Mondre` asks. "Tino let us in with Jaran and Debern." Ryuu says. He notices their outfits. "What are you wearing?" he asks. Ashla sees them too. She tilts her head. "Is that silk?" she asks. "We are wearing....the princes' pretend." Mondre` says, thinking it up as he goes. "Oh. To pretend what?" she asks. "A game. Where is Debern and Jaran?" Skreme says. "I am not sure. Debern told us they were going to distract the guards." Ashla says. "So where are we going today?" Ryuu asks. "Not at the moment. We need to find Debern and Jaran." Mondre` says. "Did you get it?" Marinae calls. Ryuu and Ashla pause. "Who's that?" Ryuu asks, going to peek out. Skreme grabs his arm. "Someone who will tell on us if she finds out about you." he says. Ryuu backs away. "What do we do?" he asks in a whisper. They hear Marinae's footsteps come closer along with the escorts'. "Follow me." Mondre` whispers. He leads them down the hall. Marinae comes around to see no one standing there. 'Where did they go?' she wonders. The four run to a small storage room. They sneak inside. Mondre` takes a quick glance then shuts the door. "You two hide here until we return. We'll go search for Debern and Jaran." Skreme says. "We can help you." Ashla says. "No. You must stay here. We'll come back soon." he says. The cousins leave the room. Mondre` waves his hand over the door. It fades away, changing into wall. They dash down the corridor. They make sure to check every room. Servants move out of their way when they speed by. They arrive in the main ballroom then stop. A single soldier stands infront of two guards who protect the dining hall door, talking to them. Mondre` and Skreme turn to creep away. A guard points to the cousins. The one soldier swivels around. "Your Majesties!" he hollers. The cousins stop and turn back to see that it is Ivinin. "Yes?" Mondre` asks. Ivinin walks up. "The High Majesties have ordered me to accompany Your Majesties." he says. "I thought those other soldiers were going to keep being the escort." Skreme says. "Daemon High Advisor Everdron told His Daemon High Majesty of what happened last night. They wish for me to lead the escort and watch over you while the intruder is loose." Ivinin says. "Now how are we going to find Debern?" Mondre` asks Skreme. "Let me think." Skreme says to him. "Where is Daemon Marinae?" Ivinin asks, looking around for her. Mondre` sees Skreme smirk. It changes to a worried frown. "We do not know. We have not seen her since the meeting with our parents. She took the escort with her and vanished." Skreme says. "Where did you see them last?" Ivinin asks. "We witnessed them go down that corridor." Skreme says, pointing to a hallway. Ivinin looks back to the dining room doors. "We need to search for them." he says. "All right." the princes say. They follow him down the hall. "Daemon Marinae! Where are you?" Ivinin calls. His voice echoes through the corridors. He waits, but no one responds. 'They must be on a higher level.' "We need to go upstairs." he says, turning to the boys. They are gone. 'Oh no.' he thinks fearfully. He remains calm. 'They should not have gone far.' Skreme and Mondre` run through the shadows inside the walls. The halls zigzag in all directions. They leap across a corridor into another wall. A servant walking down that corridor hears something and turns, but nothing is there. "We need to find Jaran and Debern then take them and Ryuu and Ashla back before they're caught." Skreme says. They duck into the floor as twenty soldiers march through. Some soldiers' gazes wander when the boys stop. The cousins conceal their whereabouts. The soldiers march away. "Uncle Gothron was serious about searching for the killer." Skreme mumbles. "We could find them easier if we separate." Mondre` asks. Skreme frowns then nods. "All right. But if you find any one of them, don't say anything about what's happening. Just bring them with you to the room." he says. "I know." Mondre` says. The two head off in different directions, keeping to the shadows. Skreme searches the ground floor. Mondre` walks under a stairwell. Someone walks down the stairs. Mondre` keeps still as they step onto the floor. Tino looks about then walks out a door at the far end of the room. Mondre` steps from the wall and climbs the stairs. 'How did Tino get them into the palace without alerting the guards? And how did they avoid getting trapped by the barrier?' he wonders. He gets to the landing. A movement catches his eye. Someone runs up the next flight of stairs. "Wait!" he calls, racing after them.

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Copyright 2007