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Sunday, May 9, 2010

Sabotage - Chapter Four

                                            Chapter Four

That night, Mondre` and Skreme sit in the dining hall. They are in their silk outfits once again, eating their meals set infront of them. Bersion stands beside Mondre`. Servants walk by with buckets of water, brooms, and other cleaning equipment, busy making sure everything is nice. "What is so extravagant about this Marques’ daughter?" Skreme mutters. "She is Marinae of Haeltin and your distant cousin. Her father’s kingdom is a mighty asset to keeping the Eastern Daemons out of the Western Territory." Bersion says. "That must be why Everdron is so troubled. She must be someone of great importance." Mondre` says. "That is correct, Your Majesty." Bersion says. "But not as important as us." Skreme says, smirking. “No one will ever be as important as us.” Mondre` agrees. Bersion chuckles. "Never, Your Majesties." he replies. “What does she look like?” Mondre` asks. “She is pretty, if that is what you mean, Your Majesty.” Bersion says, smiling. Mondre` feels his cheeks heat up. Skreme snickers as he cuts into his steak. “That is not what we meant. We mean is she….” “Nice? Proper? Friendly? Not ugly?” Skreme interrupts. “She is all of those, Your Majesties.” Bersion says. “We hope she is different from the Count’s daughter. What was her name?” Mondre` says, lifting his fork to point it at Skreme. “Kellen. We received bad dreams because of her.” Skreme says, shuddering. “She tried to douse us after we tried to remove an insect off her arm.” Mondre` says. “She did not understand why you placed a flame on her sleeve, Your Majesty. She thought you were purposely setting her on fire.” Bersion says. “We are not cruel.” Mondre` says. “We know that. So did she.” Skreme says. “She apologized.” Bersion says. “She did not mean it.” Mondre` says. “I am sure this one will be different, Your Majesty.” Bersion says. “We hope so.” Skreme says. After they eat, they walk to the dining room door. A servant opens the door, letting them go by. They talk about what they should do before bed. “Oh, Advisor? We heard Vikanda mention that the Eastern Kingdom is going to attack. Is this true? It terrifies us to think that will happen.” Skreme says, seeming concerned. Bersion’s face becomes blank. His eyes wander to the hall then he looks back at them and gives them his confident smile. "No. It is not. Go on to bed, Your Majesties. I will see you in the morning." he says, bowing his head. He changes his direction down another hall. They head toward their room. “Why did you mention that? Now Bersion is going to interrogate Vikanda thoroughly.” Mondre` says. “Exactly. She should not have left the floor wet for me to trip over.” Skreme says. "She said sorry." Mondre` says. Skreme laughs. "She certainly did. 'Oh, I'm so sorry, Your Majes...'" He pretends to trip over his own feet when he goes to bow. Mondre` bursts out laughing. Everdron steps out of the study and notices them playing around. "Your Majesties. A letter has come for you." he says. He holds out an elegant envelope with a wax royal seal keeping it closed. Skreme runs over and snatches it away. The two open it, excited to hear from their parents. Dear Mondre` and Skreme. All is going well. We have conquered the Isle of Dartence. The Dragons have retreated to Obera's Oasis. Our spies tell us it will be some time before they gain reinforcements. The barrier around the island has returned to full power. So we are coming this week to visit. We will see you both soon. Listen to High Advisor Everdron and High Advisor Bersion. And keep up with your studies. Love, Gothron, Lithera, Yorroe, and Katalin. Overwhelming joy moves through Mondre`. "They are coming!" he cries, jumping up and down happily. "This is excellent!" Skreme yells excitedly. The letter is held tightly in his hand. Everdron clears his throat. They stop then stand tall. "I will expect the best of behavior from the both of you. Your parents are not to be the only ones coming. The daughter of the Marques of Haeltin is coming, as are her parents, the Daemon Marques of Haeltin and the Daemon Marquises of Uatha, may Daemon bless them." he says. "Yes." they reply. "Good. Hume will meet you in your room. Goodnight, Your Majesties." he says. "Goodnight." they say then walk down the hall. Everdron goes back into the study. “He is gone.” Mondre` says. They race to their room. Hume and Iar step aside in time to avoid them. “What is wrong, Your Majesties?” Iar asks. "Mother and Father are coming!" Skreme exclaims, walking to his dresser. He opens a drawer and puts the letter in for safekeeping. “This is fantastic, my Lords.” Hume says happily. "We can not believe they conquered the Isle so quickly!" Mondre` says. "We knew they could do it." Skreme says, a big grin on his face as he closes the drawer. "The Dragons never had a chance." Mondre` says, laughing. Skreme laughs then yawns. "We are tired." he says. Mondre` nods, suppressing his own yawn. “Very well, my Lords.” Hume says. The servants help them change into their sleeping outfits then has them climb into their beds, tucking their covers in for them. Hume uses an iron snuffer to douse the candles then he closes the door as they leave. Their footsteps can be heard going down the stairs. An alchemic pendulum sits on a small mantle on the wall, which has eleven small gold balls, a tiny hammer, and a pendulum in the center. It ticks in a steady rhythm. Mondre` turns over in his bed to face Skreme. “Now we're able to show Ashla and Ryuu the palace.” he says to him. Skreme opens his eyes and turns to him. “Why not show them later?” he asks to him. “Don't you want to show Ashla around? I think she'd like it if you did." Mondre` says to him with a smug smile. “What's that supposed to mean?” he asks Mondre` stiffly. “Nothing. I was merely saying it would be fun with them here.” Mondre` says to him. “We've had a long day.” Skreme says to him. “I'm not tired.” Mondre` says to him. He sighs. “Fine. But we need to wait.” he says to him. So they wait, listening while keeping their eyes shut. The time keeper ticks. Metal can be heard clanking in the walls as well as breath and heartbeats. Time passes. Mondre` struggles to keep from falling asleep. He was tired, but he wanted to stay awake. The clanking stops. He sits up. “They've left.” he says. Skreme breathes softly. Mondre` throws his covers off and runs over to shake him awake. His eyes snap open then focus on Mondre`. “What?” he whines. “They're gone.” Mondre` says. Skreme mutters something then climbs out of his bed. Mondre` pulls the wool clothes out. They hurriedly put them on. Once done, they travel to the guild. They appear in an alleyway beside the guild to avoid another situation and step inside after someone lets them in. They find it more crowded than that afternoon. Some people stare at them, but most go about their business. They joke and laugh, chugging down their drinks. A few who have glasses half or partially filled with different colored drinks by their hands are asleep at the tables. The boys make their way over to the bar. As they go by a table, Skreme steps on someone’s foot that is sticking out. The man stands up, knocking back the chair he was sitting in. His weak burgundy aura brightens in outrage. “Watch where you're going, imp.” he growls. “I didn't mean to.” Skreme says. The man glares at him. Skreme does the same back. Mondre` stands beside him. “He said he didn't mean to.” he says. “I heard what he said. I want you to say sorry.” the man growls. “Why should I?” Skreme snaps. The man raises his hand. The boys’ eyes change. Skreme’s change to black and yellow. Mondre` makes his change. He knew the demon was seeing them become black, but the irises cover the pupils and glow piercing green. “I would sit down, if I were you.” he says. The man hesitates, noticing their strong auras. He lowers his hand. “Fine.” he mutters then picks his chair back up and sits down. “Are you all right?” Mondre` asks, returning his eyes to their original colors. “Just hurry and go.” Skreme says, his eyes changing back as well. They hurry to the bar. Nevex stands behind the counter, cleaning glasses. Mondre` stands beside someone sleeping on a bar stool. "Good evening, Nevex. Are Ryuu and Ashla here?" he asks. The person shifts at his voice then returns to snoring. "I think so. Upstairs, eighth room." Nevex says, waving the glass to the second landing. "Thanks." Mondre` says. They dash up the stairs. Whiskers sits at the top railing, watching them run by. They come to the eighth door and knock. "Who is it?" a girl's voice asks. "It's me, Andre`." he says. The door opens. Ashla smiles at them. "There you are. We were worried you would not be coming." she says. "We did. Are you ready to see the palace?" Skreme says. "Yes." she says eagerly. “Ryuu's downstairs.” She closes the door then walks them down the stairs. A young man walks to the edge of the steps. “Take care of the person in the eighth room.” she says. The young man nods and hurries upstairs. She leads the boys to an open door and knocks on the doorway. "Yeah?" Ryuu asks, walking up then sees Mondre` and Skreme. "You came. We thought..." "We wouldn't come." Skreme finishes. “Are you ready?” Ashla asks with a smile. “Sure am.” Ryuu says, grinning excitedly. Mondre` and Skreme walk the siblings into the room and close the door. "The dining hall?" Mondre` asks Skreme. "No. The armory." Skreme says to him. "All right." Mondre` replies to him. They hold out their hands. Ryuu and Ashla take them. The two stare, concentrating hard. Ashla gasps and Ryuu's eyes widen as the room starts to fade around them like sand, leaving the walls black. It seeps into a puddle around their feet. There is a flash of gray then the sand begins to spread, changing colors. It slides over invisible figures set against walls, turning them silver and faded gray, crawling up to the ceiling. Unlit torches grow out of the walls. The sand-like particles close into a solid ceiling above the four's heads. Glass windows let in streams of moonlight. All of it takes what seems to be a few ticks of a time keeper. When it is all over, Ryuu blinks and Ashla looks about in wonder. "That was great!" Ryuu cries. "Sshhhhh!" everyone hisses at him. "Sorry." he whispers. "This way." Mondre` says. He leads them past large suits of armor of odd designs and swords big enough for a giant to carry. "Who wore these?" Ryuu asks, looking one suit of armor over with long spikes on the back. The suit wields a sword as tall as it is. It stands twice as tall as the teenagers. The helmet has a design of grinning teeth in the area where the mouth is supposed to be. Runes are all over the metal. The points where the joints were able to move have sharp edges, made for stabbing into enemies. "Ancestors of the High Royal Family." Skreme says. They come to a door. Mondre` tries the door handle. It is locked. "Don't worry." Ryuu says, holding up a tiny rod with a crooked end. He walks up to the door and puts the rod in the lock. Mondre` wonders what he is doing. Skreme watches with curious irritation. "Should I?" he asks Mondre`. Mondre` gives a little shake of his head. "No. Let's see if he can..." "There." Ryuu says when the door clicks. He turns to them and smiles. "If you need anything unlocked, just ask the Great Ryuu, the greatest lock picker in Veud." he says dramatically. "Remind me to tell Everdron to put better locks on the doors." Skreme says to Mondre`. Mondre` steps past Ryuu to peek out the door. The corridor is empty. He gestures for them to follow. They creep out into the dark hallway behind him. "Where do you want to go to first?" he whispers. "The kitchen." Ryuu whispers without hesitation. "Not the kitchen. How about the throne room?" Ashla says softly. "All right." Mondre` says. They hurry down the hall then he checks around a corner. No one is there, so they dart through. Ryuu hears a door open. "Someone's coming!" he whispers urgently. "Shadows!" Mondre` hisses to Skreme. Skreme grabs Ashla's wrist, who grabs Ryuu's hand. They press themselves against the wall then Mondre` hears Ryuu inhale a quick breath as they sink into the darkness. The figure strides down the hall in their direction. The person passes a stream of moonlight gleaming from a window. It is Everdron. Mondre` holds his breath and concentrates on concealing his whereabouts. Everdron steps beside them, looking over a scroll. He stops then turns to the wall. His long black hair makes his pale hazel eyes seem white in the dim lighting as he scans the wall. Ryuu feels weak with fear. He clutches Ashla's hand, who squeezes back. Mondre` closes his eyes, hoping Everdron doesn't find them. He listens as Everdron's robes shift. He opens an eyelid. Everdron is staring straight at him. The High Advisor leans forward, reaching for the spot where Mondre` stands. Mondre` stiffens then drops down into the floor. Skreme has Ashla and Ryuu sink with him farther back into the next wall. Everdron peeks through the wall and searches for what he sensed. He backs away, his face showing his confusion. He looks to the window then turns and walks away in a hurry. Mondre` watches him go around a corner. He lets out his breath. "Do you know who that was?" Ashla asks in a small voice. "That was High Advisor Everdron." Skreme replies, helping them out of the shadows. Mondre` moves back up to floor level and steps out beside them. His own hands were shaking. "That was close." he sighs, holding his hands together to keep them still. "How were you able to do that?" Ashla asks. "That was Viscount Everdron?" Ryuu asks in a growl. "The guards taught us how to walk through the shadows." Skreme says, facing Ashla, who still has a look of astonishment on hers. "You mean the guards can do that too?" she asks. "They always have been able to." he says. Ryuu starts walking in the direction Everdron went in, an expression of hate on his face. His hand clasps a dagger. Ashla sees him. "Ryuu!" she hisses. He doesn’t stop. She runs up and grabs his tunic to stop him. "Do not do it, Ryuu!" she orders. "Why not? He's hurt so many people. Why can't I kill him?" Ryuu snaps. "Because you couldn't get eighteen feet from him before he turns you inside out and sets you aflame while keeping you alive." Skreme replies dully. “It's the truth.” Mondre` says. "Ryuu, do not. I am serious." Ashla says worriedly. Ryuu's earring glints in the moonlight as he looks away. "Fine. I'll get him later." he vows, sheathing his dagger. "Maybe we should go to another part of the palace." Mondre` suggests. "Why not?" Ashla asks. "Because that's the way to the throne room." Skreme says, indicating the direction Everdron disappeared in. "Good. I want to see how he treats people around here." Ryuu says. "This is going to be very interesting." Skreme says, amused. The four head in Everdron's direction as quietly as possible. They reach the throne room door. Ashla notices something shining to her left. She turns to see the doors to the room with the bridge. Skreme grabs Ryuu's shoulder, making him jump. "What'd you do that for?" Ryuu asks. Skreme shrugs. "No reason." he says. They sink into the floor. Ryuu looks terrified then they disappear from sight. Mondre` watches a black shadow seep under the door. He goes to ask Ashla if she wanted to come. Ashla was walking to the padlocked room. “Where are you going?” he asks, running over to her. “I was only wondering where that leads.” she says kindly. “To the Lodestone.” he says. “The Lodestone of the West?” she asks. "Yep." he says then holds out his hand. She looks to the room then faces him and takes his hand. They sink through the marble. She gasps and clings to his arm. His heartbeat increases. He silently hopes she can't hear it. They step down onto a dark solid floor. She looks up to see the hallway above, like they had slipped through a glass panel. "Fascinating." she breathes. "Follow me." he says with a smile. He escorts her under the door. They see Skreme and Ryuu standing a few yards away. Skreme puts a finger to his lips when they come up then points over. Mondre` looks in the direction he indicates. Everdron stands in the middle of the room. A person stands in front of him in soldier's armor with a slanted L shape on his right side. What appears to be a ring of thorns is beside it. The four creep over to the under side of the throne. "What do you mean it has not arrived yet?" Everdron asks heatedly. The soldier bows his head. "We have lost contact with the unit transporting the object, Lord Everdron. There is a search party searching for it as we speak." he says. "I need it here by the time His High Majesty returns. If it does not arrive by that time, I will make sure to lock you in the dungeons for eternity." Everdron threatens. The soldier fidgets at his tone of voice. "Yes, Lord Everdron." he says. "Leave." Everdron orders. The soldier salutes and walks away hurriedly. Once the front doors close, Everdron lets out a heavy sigh. "I need it here soon." he mutters. One of the mirror doors open. High Advisor Bersion steps in and sees High Advisor Everdron. "Oh, Advisor. I did not realize you were here." he says, sounding slightly surprised. "I was just leaving." Everdron says. He strides to the door behind the throne and walks out of the room. High Advisor Bersion is puzzled. He seems to dismiss it then walks across the room. Half way, he pauses infront of the throne. He looks to it and frowns. Teal strands of his aura make their way to the four. Mondre` and Skreme concentrate to hide any sense of them being there. The strands move around them, searching for them. They return to Bersion, who quirks an eyebrow then continues walking. Soon, he is gone too. No one says anything for a moment. Then Ashla asks in a whisper. "What is going on?" The three boys jump then sigh from the scare. "I'm not sure." Mondre` says. "I think the show is over for tonight. It's getting late." Skreme says. "Why? We have not yet seen all of the palace." Ashla whines softly. "We'll show you the rest later. Right now, we have to leave." Skreme says. He and Mondre` transport the siblings to the alley by the guild. "Thank you very much for that." Ashla says. “Yeah, thanks.” Ryuu mutters. "You're welcome. We'll come back when we can." Mondre` says. They disappear. When they come close to their beds, they lay down and sneeze from the particles. Their blankets are sent high enough for them to slip under. They can hear the clanking again in the walls. They make an effort to relax. “What do you think Everdron is up to?” Mondre` asks Skreme. Skreme yawns. “I don't know. It's probably for something special. I hope I get something." he says to Mondre`. Mondre` turns over to gaze up at the canopy of his bed. His eyelids feel heavy. “Me too.” he mumbles to him. His eyes close, making him fall fast to sleep.
 Copyright 2007

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