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Sunday, April 25, 2010

Sabotage - Chapter Two

                                               Chapter Two

The building is some sort of tavern and inn two stories high. Children, teenagers, and many adults walk around, laughing and talking merrily. Most are in peasant clothes. A few are dressed in richly colored outfits. Many people stop what they are doing when they see Mondre`, Skreme, and Ryuu, their faces and hair smeared with green algae. The well dressed people make revolted faces. The ones in regular clothes laugh. A tabby cat with a brown collar runs between Skreme’s legs to jump up onto the stair railing, startling him. “Stupid animal.” he mutters. “It is not stupid. It always comes here. We call it Whiskers.” Ashla says. “That’s a stupid name for an animal.” Skreme mumbles to Mondre`. A teenager, about nineteen, with gold eyes with green rimming his pupils walks up to the four. He has a matching earring like Ryuu, but on his right earlobe and no aura. He looks them over then faces Ryuu. "Why'd you bring them?" he asks. "They're servants from the castle. They were taken by troops, but I helped them before they were killed." Ryuu says. The older teenager turns to Mondre` and Skreme. "Welcome. I'm Jaran." he says, holding out his hand. Mondre` and Skreme shake it. "I'm Andre`." "I'm Ream." Jaran looks from one to the other. "Are you family?” he asks. “Yes. We're brothers.” Skreme says. "Good to meet you. How'd you get out of the castle? They don't let their servants out often." Jaran says. “We had to do errands.” Mondre` says. “Really? What sort of errands?” Jaran asks. A group of men burst out laughing, taking Mondre`’s attention away while Skreme talks. The men have steaming bowls of stew set infront of them as they discuss their business. He feels his stomach growl. Jaran must have heard. "Come with me." he says. Mondre` and Skreme follow him to a bar, where another young man stands with no aura. "What'd you like Nevex to make for you?" Jaran asks. "Jiilick fish, please." Mondre` says. "Me too." Skreme says. Jaran faces Nevex. "Two Jiilick fish." he says. "Will be done." Nevex replies. "You can go sit. Nevex'll give you your food when it's done." Jaran says. "Thank you very much." Mondre` says. He really wanted to sit down. His legs felt like sticks. He and Skreme walk over to where Ryuu and Ashla sit at a table by a fireplace. A single candle sits in the middle, the flame flickering. The boys sit down opposite them and relax. Mondre` notices a strand of his bangs covered in algae. He tries to pick the algae off. Ashla snorts, covering her mouth to keep from laughing. "If you like, I can have someone make a bath for you and give you some clean clothes." she suggests. "That'd be much appreciated." Skreme mumbles, rubbing a dirty cheek with his sleeve. She smiles and gets up to speak to someone. "So, what's the castle like?" Ryuu asks, resting his chin on his hands. “You can see it from here.” Skreme says, using his shirt front to wipe at his face vigorously. “I mean what's it like inside?” Ryuu says. "It's very big. It has a number of rooms." Mondre` replies. "There's the kitchen, the dining room, the throne room, the study, the library,..." "The Red room, the Blue room, the Green room, guestrooms, the trophy rooms, the armory, the dungeons..." The two go down the list of places in the palace they knew of while they struggle to get the dirt off. Ryuu listens, looking more amazed with every place they mention. "I've always wanted to see what's inside." he says after they finish. "Maybe we can show you." Mondre` says. "That'd be great!" Ryuu says eagerly. A teenager with purple eyes with brown rimming his pupils and an earring on his right earlobe bursts out laughing as he walks up. Mondre` recognizes him as someone from the palace. “What's he doing here?!” Skreme hisses to Mondre` as they drop their heads down. "How should I know?" Mondre` replies to him. “Go to the castle? The only way you'll be getting in is if you're sent to the dungeons.” the teenager says, facing Ryuu. “Nuh uh. You can go in, if you stay in the throne room.” Ryuu argues. “The nighthounds'll get you if you step past the gate. Only I can get in.” the teenager says then notices the back of Mondre` and Skreme’s heads as they look away. Ryuu frowns. “Leave him be.” Ashla says, walking up behind the teenager. He gazes at the cousins a bit longer then says. “Yes Ma’am.” He walks back over to the group he was sitting with, taking a few glances back. She sits down beside Ryuu. "The bath will be ready soon." she informs the boys as they turn back. "Thank you. That boy. Whose he?" Mondre` says. “Oh, he is Tino. He is also from the palace. He comes here whenever he can. Do you know him?” she says. “A little. He works in the kitchen.” he says. She smiles, sitting forward. "So, how did my brother catch you?" "Brother?" he asks. "Yes. Can you not see the resemblance?" she asks. She pulls Ryuu close to where they are cheek to cheek. Skreme raises an eyebrow. "I can see it. How about you?" Mondre` asks, facing him. "Slightly." Skreme replies. He sounds doubtful. "How did you find Ryuu? Or did he find you?" she asks. "Ream found him, I think." Mondre` says. "I saw him pick an apple off the ground. The guards did too. So they caught him to take him away. They thought I said something and attacked me." Skreme murmurs. "What did you say?" Mondre` asks. "He said 'he should have any food that is on the ground' and 'I doubt anyone would want it now'. The guards became mad when he said that." Ryuu says. Her eyes widen. Skreme looks embarrassed. "The squad attacked him and Mondre`. I stopped them then had Mondre` and Skreme come with me." Ryuu explains. "So that's what happened." Mondre` says, eyeing Skreme. "I was only trying to get the guards' attention." Skreme says disdainfully. "Mmmhmmm." Mondre` says. He knew better. Skreme had been smarting off like Mondre` did earlier and had ended up beaten for it. "You are safe here. Unless you want to go back." she says. "We'll have to go back or our masters will get angry." Mondre` says. "You mean the High Prince and the Prince of Klohmoi? I heard the High Prince is a nice person. The Prince of Klohmoi can be sometimes." she says. "Can be?" Skreme asks pointedly. Mondre` smiles then becomes serious. "No. I mean Master Everdron and Master Bersion." he replies. "Humph. High Advisor Viscount Everdron. He is so mean. He thinks he can do what he wants when the High King is in the Abyss. I'm glad High Advisor Viscount Bersion is there to stop him." Ryuu mutters, laying his chin on the table. Mondre` is not sure he heard right. "Is that so?" Skreme asks inquisitively. "Yes. He has all the squads placing people in the dungeons." she says sadly. "That's what I've heard too." Ryuu says. "Could it be possible for you to tell the High Prince? Maybe he can stop him. Tino is too scared to." she says. “I am not!” they hear Tino shout. “Are too!” Ryuu shouts back. "I might be able to when we get back." Mondre` replies then leans forward. "What have you heard of the High Prince?" “A good many things. Tino says all the servants love him. He is very polite to everyone.” she says. Nevex walks over, stopping her. He places two plates with cooked fish and a pair of knives and forks down in front of Mondre` and Skreme. "There you go." he says. "Thanks." they say. He gives a nod then walks away to help someone else. Mondre` and Skreme pick up a knife and fork each and dig in. Ashla and Ryuu continue to ask them questions as they gobble down their food. They try to answer the best they can. “So where do you two work?” she asks. “Depends on where Master Everdron wants us.” Mondre` says. “Sometimes he wants us to be in the kitchen, sometimes he wants us to clean the guestrooms, sometimes in the laundry rooms.” “Yeah! They can move water without touching it.” Ryuu says excitedly. “You can? Then you are Demons.” she says. “Yeah. We were taught that so we don't make the floors wet.” Skreme says then takes a bite. “But if you are Demons, why are you working in the palace?” she asks. “We're helping our mother while our father is away.” Mondre` says. Skreme nods, still chewing. “That is nice of you. Are you going to be recruited? Where is your father?” she asks. “Soon, I hope.” Mondre` says. “Our father is over the Abyss. He travels often.” “Is he well paid?” she asks. “You can say that. He's fighting in the war right now.” Skreme says. “Oh, he is a soldier. What rank?” she asks. "He is a Master Sergeant." he says. Once they finish their meal, she shows them to an area behind a wooden wall in the kitchen. A small wooden tub sits in the middle of the small area, filled with hot water. Two tunics and two pairs of pants lay across a chair against the wall. "I will get a room ready for you if you decide to stay. If you need me, just call." she says gladly. She steps out to let them clean up. The kitchen door closes with a click. "Which of us goes first?" Skreme asks. "You can go first." Mondre` says. Skreme walks around to the other side of the fireplace, takes his dirty clothes off, and climbs in. He finds a pumice rock and uses it to scrub off the gunk on his skin. Mondre` sits down in a chair, looking at everything in the kitchen. Rusty pans sit on tables along with dirty plates and utensils. "Do you believe what Ryuu and Ashla were saying about Everdron?" he asks. "Maybe. I've always thought Everdron was up to something." Skreme says, scrubbing his hair with a rough bar of soap. "But he'd never send someone to the dungeons for no reason. He always has a reason." Mondre` says. "True. But he's always busy. I wouldn't doubt it if he let the soldiers do what they want." Skreme says. Mondre` hears the kitchen door open. He peeks around to see a woman come in. She walks around to the brick wall. She notices him then sees Skreme most of the way under the water, his eyes staring at her maliciously over the edge of the tub. “Sorry. I just need to get something.” she says, averting her eyes. She picks up a plate and some silverware that is on a shelf then leaves the room. “They need to lock the door.” Skreme says, sitting up to scrub his arms. Mondre` walks over to the door. “It doesn't have a lock.” he says. “Fantastic.” Skreme mutters. He washes off then gets out to let Mondre` bathe. Mondre` makes sure to raise the temperature before getting in. It is nice and hot, soothing the aches and pains. He scrubs his skin hard with pumice rocks to get the stuff off. He combs his fingers through his hair, trying to get the knots out. “Should we stay the night?” he asks. “Depends if I want to.” Skreme says, now sitting in the chair, fully dressed. He grimaces at the dirty silverware and place settings. “If you want to? I may be younger, but I choose when we leave.” Mondre` says stubbornly. “Well, I'm older.” Skreme says. “That doesn't matter.” Mondre` says. “Yes, it does.” Skreme says. “Does not.” Mondre` says. He cleans up then steps out and dresses in the clean clothes, tying his hair back. They return to the main tavern. "I can still smell it." Skreme says, sniffing his arm. “I told you.” Mondre` says. "Andre`! Ream!" Ashla waves to them from the table. Ryuu is talking to another person who has a mug in their hand on the other side of the room. He still has dirt all over his face. The two walk over and sit across from Ashla. “Do you feel better?” she asks. “Yes. Thank you for doing that.” Mondre` says. “It was my pleasure. So what else do you know about the palace and the High Royal Family?” she asks. “Do you all need to know of the palace?” Skreme asks, sounding exasperated. Ashla glances down at her hands. “I am sorry. I did not mean to keep bothering you. It is just that, I have always been interested in the palace. But I have never been able to see it.” she says softly. “Don't mind him. He does this when he's tired.” Mondre` says. Ashla gets a small smile on her face. He feels his cheeks heat up. A violin chord is played. He looks up to the second landing where the sound comes from. Five men stand there, holding violins at their shoulders. The people in the tavern cheer and applaud for music. The musician on the right slides his bow across the strings back and forth in swift motions. The instrument sings. His comrades play their own instruments. Lively music hums through the air. Many people get up and start dancing. “Come with me.” she says, grabbing Mondre`’s hand. She pulls him to where everyone is. She lets him go and begins dancing with the gathering. “Dance.” she says. Mondre` scratches the back of his head. “I don't dance like tha…” She steps up to be an inch from his nose. “Please dance?” she says, batting her eyelashes. He swallows, feeling his whole face go red. He turns to Skreme. "What do I do?" he asks him. “Don't ask me. This was your decision.” Skreme says to him, tilting his head with a snide smile. Mondre` faces her then swallows and takes her hand. She begins dancing. He tries to do the same as her. Someone jumps onto a table and does a funny little jig. Skreme rolls his eyes at the incompetent. A girl walks up to him. “What are you doing sitting here?” she asks. “I am wishing to be left alone.” he says. She frowns then smirks. She grabs his hands and pulls him up. “What are you doing?!” he yells, attempting to get away. “You look like you need some fun.” she says. She tugs him to the crowd and dances with him, keeping a firm grasp on his hands. He has to move his feet to keep from stepping or tripping over everyone else’s. She laughs, spinning him around then lets go. He cries out as he stumbles into the middle of the floor, bumping into the table. The person falls back onto someone and laughs then hiccups. The girl clasps her hands over her mouth when she realizes where he went. The music stops. Everyone stares at Skreme, who stands at the table, facing the crowd. 'Uh oh.' Mondre` thinks. He makes his way toward him. “Dance!” someone hollers. “I….ummm….” Skreme tries to say something. Ryuu steps up and pats his back. “How ‘bout we all dance?” he suggests loudly. “Hoora!” several people agree. The music starts back up. Everyone returns to dancing. Ryuu walks Skreme out of the crowd. “I'm sorry. I didn't mean to.” the girl says when they come out. Mondre` hurries up to them. “Of course you didn't mean to.” Skreme says sarcastically. “She really did not.” Ashla says, walking up. “Vaera sometimes overdoes it.” The girl smiles to Skreme. "Sorry." she says again. “This is getting tiring.” Skreme says, walking past them to his seat. Ashla turns to Mondre`. “I was wanting to ask. Are you staying?” she asks. “I suppose.” he says. “I will see if a room is ready then.” she says. She walks away with Ryuu and Vaera. Mondre` sits down on the opposite side of Skreme. “I want to go home.” Skreme says. “This was your idea.” Mondre` says. “I've changed my mind.” Skreme says. “Well, I like it here.” Mondre` says. "Andre`!" Ashla is at the back of the tavern. He can barely see her beckoning for them to come past the crowd. Ryuu stands beside her. The two walk around the edge of the dancing crowd. Whiskers watches them go by, his tail twitching. They meet the siblings infront of the room. "This will be your room. It is free the first night." Ashla says. Mondre` and Skreme peek inside. Skreme's face becomes stiff at the sight of the plain room. "Fantastic." "I will get some blankets." Ryuu says. He steps out of view. Mondre` walks inside. Skreme is next. They step up to two mats, deciding on which one they wanted. Mondre` looks under a mat for any bugs. "I know it might not be what you are used to. But it is all we have." Ashla says. "It's fine. Isn't it?" Mondre` says, tilting his head to Skreme. Skreme gives him a sneer then turns to her. "It's fantastic." he says. She smiles. "Good." she says. Ryuu comes back with a pair of blankets. "These will keep you warm." he says. He hands one to Mondre` and the other to Skreme. He walks to the door, where Ashla stands. "Goodnight." she says, giving them a small wave. “Goodnight.” Mondre` says. She leaves them alone in the room. The only light comes from a lit candle that sits on a small crate. Mondre` lays his blanket over the mat he chose. Skreme stands beside his mat. "I want to go home." he says. "Why? This is fun. It's kind of like going out on a hunt." Mondre` says. He slips under the blanket. "No, it's not." Skreme says. He places the blanket over his sleeping mat. Before he slides underneath it, he shouts. Mondre` feels the heat of a fire and sees the light reflect off the walls. "What?" he asks, swiveling around. A spout of flame comes from an area of Skreme’s palm where his aura is brightest. It hits the floor, spreading around the mat. He stops after a moment. "There are insects crawling on this." he says. Mondre` sits up and checks his mat and blanket. Nothing is on it. "Just don't burn the floor out." he says, laying back down. “Now it's charred.” Skreme says, looking the blackened blanket over. “At least it's warm.” Mondre` says. "Ha ha. My sides hurt from my laughter." Skreme says. He snaps the blanket a few times to make sure then slowly lays down on it. Mondre` waves a hand. A small wind blows the candle flame out, leaving them in the dark. The whole room smells of smoke and wood. He gazes up at the ceiling, listening to the cheering below. "We should leave and come back later." Skreme says, fidgeting. Mondre` thinks the same. The mat is uncomfortable and the sounds were going to keep him up. "I suppose you're right. We'll come back in the morning." he replies. "Of course I'm right." Skreme says. Someone knocks on the door. "Hey, you guys." Ryuu says, opening the door. He sees the blankets laying over two empty mats. He looks about the room. No one is inside. The window at the back is still locked. 'Where did they go?' he wonders.
   Copyright 2007

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